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Create an upload assignment

To create an upload assignment press "Create New":

In the "Add New Question"- menu navigate to the "Upload assignment" option (see screenshot below). We recommend that you only create one upload assignment for each exam, this way the candidates can submit their task as one complete PDF-file.

Give your upload assignment a name (in the top left). For example "Submission MAT1100":

You have two options for inserting the exam question(s):

  1. Write the exam question directly in the Inspera text box (see screenshot below).
  2. Upload a PDF that contains the exam question (see step 4 of the guide).

The exam question has to be available in Inspera in one of these two formats. Click "Browse" to choose which file type the candidates submission can be uploaded as:

The standard in Inspera for accepted file types is "Allow all file types". We recommend that you change this to PDF only. After you have clicked the "Browse"- button, press "File types" to the right, then click "Allow all file types" (it will change color from green to grey) and then click the dropdown menu with the different file types (".jpg,.png,.pdf,.txt,.doc,.docx").

Tick off all the filetypes except .pdf. Press "Close" when you are finished:

Maximum file size is 1 GB.

Maximum marks has to be set to zero. Click on "Marks" to the right of the text box and then set "Maximum marks" to zero":

Next step: Uploading PDF-files

Published May 5, 2020 2:07 PM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2021 2:35 PM