Norwegian version of this page

Translating the question set

MN recommends that you create a question set in only one language, if its possible (either norwegian or english).

If you need to make questien sets in both languages, follow this guide.

You should not translate the question set before its 100 % completed. When the question set is ready, click the gear-icon in the top middle section:

Choose the languages that will be offered, then click "Save":




If you only need an english language tab, activate "English" ("Bokm?l" and "Nynorsk" should be greyed out).

You will then get a copy of the question set, with the original text, this copy needs to be translated. The copy of the question set appears as a separate tab (see screenshot below). If a question in a question set isn't translated it will be marked as "Not translated" in the overview:

This means that you have to manually translate the front page and the upload assignment in your question set. When the translation is finished, the questions will no longer be marked with "Not translated".

If you are using a PDF as an exam question, upload the English PDF-version in the English tab and the Norwegian PDF- version under the Norwegian tab (see step 4). 

Next step: Preview and sharing

Published May 5, 2020 2:08 PM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2021 2:35 PM