The electric veichle pool to be discontinued

The University of Oslo has had an electric vehicle pool for business trips since 2009. Now it will be discontinued.

Polaroid photo of a small white older electric car. Buddy.
UiO's first electric car. Illustration photo: the Estate Department/UiO

Until 2023, UiO employees had the opportunity to use one of the three to five electric cars available at Campus Blindern, to travel in an environmentally friendly way during working hours. The arrangement was introduced to reduce our consumption of fossil fuel. Switching the supplier to Bilkollektivet a year ago made it possible for the users to pick up cars throughout Oslo and choose any type of car. This has led to an increase in usage outside working hours and a significant increase in costs.

The agreement with Bilkollektivet has been terminated, and the arrangement will end on Friday, 19th July. Bilkollektivet's cars will be removed from Campus Blindern no later than Friday, 2nd August. The charging stations that have been reserved for the car-sharing program will become available for others.

"When the arrangement was introduced, our intention was to facilitate business travel with a lower carbon footprint. Today, it is fortunately much easier to travel in an environmentally friendly way. Our transportation habits have changed significantly since 2009. The public transportation system in Oslo has improved greatly, more people bike to work, car-sharing programs for electric vehicles are abundant, and more people than ever own their own electric car. I have great confidence that UiO employees will be able to travel just as environmentally friendly without this offering," says Director of Estates John Skogen.

Published July 4, 2024 10:25 AM - Last modified July 4, 2024 10:25 AM