Large Calls at Postdoc Level

Postdoc level calls fit researchers who are early or mid-way in their academic career. If you are mid-way in your career, you may also be eligible for calls for experienced researchers.

Applying for a large call means creating a position for yourself, and in some cases leading projects where you are responsible for other researchers - such as supervision of PhD candidates.

Researcher Projects for Early Career Scientists entail being employed at UiO and leading a 3-4 year project, usually including a Postdoc or a PhD candidate. The Three-year Research Project with International Mobility entails being employed at RITMO, but spending 2/3 of your time abroad.  Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships are personal grants where you leave UiO for a position abroad.

Large calls for postdoc level researchers

RCN Radical Research Ideas for Early Career Scientists

A 4-12 month long project for researchers who want to test particularly bold research ideas. The ideas must be so bold that the risk of failure is too high to justify starting a large project, but where the research could have a significant impact on the field if the project is successful.

Funder: The Research Council of Norway

Eligibility:  Researchers who finished their PhD 2-7 years ago (subtraction rules apply).

Themes/fields: Funded by FRIPRO which means it is open to all fields and themes. 

Budget: NOK 500 000-2 000 000

Call: Open-ended FRIPRO call

Who to contact at RITMO: RITMO's research adviser.

RCN Researcher Project Early Career Scientists

Previous name: Researcher Project for Young Talents

A 3-4 year project which usually consists of the Project Manager, 1 PhD/postdoctoral fellow, and partners if relevant. Aimed at early-career researchers. 

Funder: The Research Council of Norway

Eligibility:  Researchers who finished their PhD 2-7 years ago (subtraction rules apply).

Themes/fields: Typically financed by both selected thematic programmes and FRIPRO, which means it is open to all fields and themes. The thematic calls have annual deadline (usually in February/March)

Budget: 10 million NOK.

Annual deadline: The FRIPRO call is open-ended. You may only apply once a year. The thematic calls will have annual deadlines (likely February/March)

Call: Open-ended FRIPRO call

Who to contact at RITMO: RITMO's research adviser.

RCN Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility

A three-year, individual project in which you spend two years in a host institution abroad and one year at the University of Oslo. The goal is to promote mobility, career development and knowledge transfer between institutions. You may not employ others in the project.

Funder: The Research Council of Norway

Eligibility:  Researchers who completed their PhD fewer than 7 years ago. You may apply before your PhD thesis i submitted, but the doctorate must be completed and approved before project start. You must have taken a master’s degree or PhD at a Norwegian research organisation.

Themes/fields: Typically only financed by FRIPRO, which means the call is open to all fields and themes.

Budget: 4,7 - 5,6 million NOK.

Annual deadline: Open-ended. After you have submitted an application, you will need to wait one year before you can apply again.

Call:  Open-ended FRIPRO call

Who to contact at RITMO: RITMO's research adviser.

Collaborative Project to meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges

A 2-4 year project aimed at developing new knowledge and generating research competence needed by society or the business sector.. Projects must have at least 2 partners which are not research institutions - e.g actors from public sector entities, non-governmental organisations, Norwegian trade and industry and/or other private organisations. 

Funder: The Research Council of Norway

Eligibility (PI): Approved doctorate or equivalent.

Themes/fields: Many thematic areas are represented in the annual call, but not FRIPRO. Note: Projects with researchers from the Humanities are strategically prioritized in many thematic programmes.

Budget: Varies between thematic calls. Typically 2-16 million NOK. Partners must contribute a certain percentage of the budget, depending on thematic area.

Annual deadline: February/March.

Call: Landing page for all RCN calls. Calls are usually published 3-5 months in advance of the deadline. Calls are usually published 3-5 months in advance of the deadline. See also: Guide for Applicants.

Who to contact at RITMO: RITMO's research adviser.

Collaborative Project to Increase Research-based Innovation in Selected Service Industries

A sub-type of Collaborative and Knowledge-Building Projects, aimed at specific sectors. Collaboration with non-research institutions are expected, but specific requirements will vary between calls.

Funder: The Research Council of Norway

Eligibility (PI): Approved doctorate or equivalent.

Budget: Varies.

Deadline: No set annual deadline.

Call: Landing page for all RCN calls. Calls are usually published 3-5 months in advance of the deadline.

Who to contact at RITMO: RITMO's research adviser.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA PF)

Prestigious grant for an individual project which lasts for 1-3 years, depending on where you travel. The fellowship is aimed at career development and professional maturity, as well as two-way knowledge transfer between the Fellow and the supervisor/host institution.

Funder: The European Commission

Eligibility: Researchers with a doctoral degree and no more than eight years experience in research from the date of the award of their PhD degree. Eligibility criteria also include some restrictions on working country.

Themes/fields: Open to all fields.

Budget: The grant provides an allowance to cover living, travel and family costs. In addition, the EU contributes to the training, networking and research costs of the fellow, as well as to the management and indirect costs of the project. The grant is awarded to the host organisation (not UiO).

Annual deadline: September.

Call: Find open calls and read more. 

Who to contact at RITMO: RITMO's research adviser would like to be informed, but support will come from your host institution and supervisor abroad. RITMO/UiO will not formally be involved in the application, as an MSCA Fellow will no longer be employed at UiO.

ERC Starting Grant

 A high-status project with a maximum duration of 5 years, open to early-career researchers of all fields, with the intention of supporting excellent research. Step one of the three ERC Grants (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced). Both the RCN and UiO offer training and support for ERC applicants.

Funder: ERC - The European Research Council.

Eligibility: Researchers with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD (extensions are possible), and a scientific track record showing great promise.

Budget: 1.5 million Euro (approx 16 mill NOK).

Deadline: Usually September/October.

Call: Usually published 4 months in advance. General information can be found here.

Who to contact at RITMO: Notify RITMO's research adviser, but be aware that support will be given by your home department (IMV/PSI/IFI).


Published June 5, 2020 2:39 PM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2025 1:37 PM