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MED satisfied with the response rate

The total response rate for the Faculty of Medicine ended at 66% in this spring's ARK survey

The project group for ARK at MED: From the left: Stina Mosling, Mette Frydendal, Karen-Marie Heintz, Kristine Kleppan Blikra, Helle Fritzs?nn and Elisabeth Olsen. Maren Retterst?l Olaisen was not present. Photo: Mona Mehus, UiO.

"We have every reason to be satisfied with the response rate of 66%, says HR manager Stina Mosling and believes it provides a good starting point for further work in each unit."

The project group for the ARK survey is satisfied with the participation. At the previous ARK implementation in 2013-14, the response rate was 46%, so we must say we are satisfied with the development.

What happens next?

The results report for the entire faculty will be presented at the general meeting on 15 March, after which the department reports will be presented before each unit will discuss its results in mapping meetings before Easter.


After Easter and until 1 May, the units will prepare measures for the preservation and development of the working environment.

"The survey is the start of the work", explains HR manager Stina Mosling.

"The survey is not complete. There may be other factors than those asked in the ARK survey that affect the working environment in your unit", she continues. "For example, the pandemic and new ways of collaborating digitally. It is important to make this clear in the mapping meetings."


After Easter and until 1 May, the units will prepare measures for the preservation and development of the working environment.

Tabell med svarprosenten for MED i ARK-unders?kelsen. Svarprosent for hele fakultetet er p? 66.42 %.
Response rate for this year's ARK survey at MED.

The results from the survey are presented to the individual unit in separate mapping meetings that are conducted before Easter. Here you and your colleagues are given the opportunity to discuss the results and bring in any other important factors that affect the work environment. More information about the time of the meeting can be obtained from your manager.

Continue to contribute to the work environment

In the further follow-up, everyone is expected to contribute, even if they have not answered the survey. Those who for various reasons were not included in the survey (including those with a position of less than 25%) can also be invited to follow up.


For Klinmed, there is a separate follow-up course for those who are not covered by ARK. (Read more under point 7 under "Frequently asked questions" on the project page.) 

We wish you good luck with the further work!

Read more

You will find everything you need to know about ARK on the project's website.

  • Step 4: Receipt of report
  • Step 5: Feedback on report

  • Step 6: Follow-up and evaluation


By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Mar. 15, 2022 2:50 PM - Last modified Feb. 2, 2024 1:55 PM