The EU’s framework project for research and innovation, Horizon Europe, has a considerable breadth of relevant programmes and calls for proposals. The three pillars that roughly divide Horizon Europe consist of various programmes within the fields of excellent science, global challenges and European industrial competitiveness, and innovation Europe. In addition, the EU funds several research programmes that are found on the margins of or across these three pillars.
Programmes associated with pillar 1 (excellent science) are most popular at the Faculty of Medicine and UiO. This includes application opportunities for the European Research Council (ERC), Marie Sklodowska-Curie programmes (MSCA) and research infrastructure, including e-infrastructure. Both the ERC and MSCA have bottom-up calls for proposals where excellent research is the most important evaluation criterion, while the infrastructure call often has a clearer thematic component.
Jan G. Bj?lie
“MSCA can be a good place to start trying out the role of coordinator”, says Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation Jan Bj?lie. “Generally speaking, it is important that our researchers are active in various research networks and make their expertise visible. A little patience is also required, you sometimes have to try a few times before you succeed”, he continues.
The health cluster in pillar 2 focuses on important health-related challenges. The EU stipulates certain guidelines regarding the content and focus of the projects, but it is up to the researchers to describe good plans for solving the challenges and preparing the specific research projects. It is also worth noting that the EU has a major initiative that focuses on cancer research within the so-called Missions.
Least known are the possibilities that exist within pillar 3. The European Innovation Council (EIC) has programmes that support innovation in different development phases. The UiO Growth House is involved in the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and researchers can contact the Growth House for further information about EIT Health.
Opportunity to influence future programmes
The EU is currently conducting the most comprehensive evaluation of the current and former framework programme for research and innovation. Here, researchers are given the opportunity to share experiences and express their views on how the EU can improve. Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation Jan Bj?lie encourages everyone to have a look at the video announcement where Commissioner Mariya Gabriel launches the evaluation.
New European partnerships within the field of health
I 2023 forventes flere typer nye utlysninger som samfinansieres av EU og flere europeiske forskningsr?d. I Horisont Europa betegnes dette som partnerskap. Innenfor Helse-klyngen skal det etableres minst 9 partnerskap.
In 2023, several types of new calls are expected to be co-financed by the EU and several European research councils. In Horizon Europe, this is referred to as partnership. Within the Health Cluster, at least 9 partnerships will be established.
So far, only the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) and European Partnership for Global Health (EDCTP3) have had calls for proposals. The new partnerships will resemble and partially replace funding instruments known from H2020, including so-called ERA-NET programmes and Joint Programming Initiatives. Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation Jan Bj?lie points out that “it is very important that our research communities keep a close eye on these calls for proposals and contact potential partners at an early stage.
The new partnerships will focus on areas such as antibiotic resistance, rare diseases, personalised medicine and pandemic preparedness. All existing and upcoming health-related partnerships in Horizon Europe are described on the Commission’s website.
Application support at the faculty
The External Funding Office (EEF) is the faculty’s support system for EU applications. Please contact the EEF if you need further information about the application possibilities in Horizon Europe. The External Funding Office can assist with identification of application opportunities, strategic advice, perusal of application drafts and administrative support and assistance with coordination.