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Last lecture for future doctors

Pro-Dean Magnus L?berg, Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo and Vice-Dean Eli Feiring provide an update from the final semester of the spring.

Prodekan Magnus L?berg, dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo og visedekan Eli Feiring

From left: Prodekan Magnus L?berg, dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo og visedekan Eli Feiring at Domus Medica spring 2023. Photo: Kyrre Vigestad, UiO

Dear colleagues and students,

We recently attended the medical students’ final lecture in module 8, term 2. Most of the students from the year group were present, and it was nice to see that things other than books and exams can engage the students during this period. For now, only exams remain before our students in the last part of module 8 can call themselves doctors.

True to tradition, marzipan cake was served to the graduating students before the final lecture. And what a lecture it was, just listen to this:

  • If we are to believe module leader K?re Birkeland, a fabulous year group of medical students are now finishing their studies, and who are more than ready to start as LIS1 after the summer.
  • Two cardiologists, Professor Kristina Haugaa and clinical research fellow August Magnus Stensr?d Fl?, were named as the best educators of this year group of module 8 students. Read more about this on the programme of study website in Norwegian..

  • Professor Tor Inge T?nnessen repeated some key learning objectives within the subject of anaesthesia, such as different needle types used for lumbar punctures and anaesthetic gases. There was also time for humour and seriousness when he offered up a bit of singing and drama, as well as reading aloud his own poetry.

  • The year group’s own rap artist provided entertainment with Dr. Greenthumb of Cypress Hill, to great cheers from all who were present. 

Hanne and Magnus congratulated the graduating students on having completed six demanding and exciting years of studies with us, thanked them for the time we have been together at the Faculty of Medicine and wished them good luck with their future medical careers. 

The students are now in the final stages of their final examination period, where they will show what they have learned after six years of study. They are now bursting with medical knowledge. We wish all students the best of luck with their examinations, and we look forward to meeting them again at the testimonial ceremony in the University Aula on 15 June

We would like to thank all the dedicated supervisors

At the moment, many students at the faculty are submitting their master’s thesis. Others have submission deadlines in the coming weeks. The students put a lot of work into their master’s projects – and not least, the supervisors have contributed with considerable efforts. They have to guide, push, pull, give constructive feedback and sometimes rather sharp comments, they have to assure, console and encourage.

The duties of a supervisor are many. It is all the more pleasant, then, when everything goes to plan – because it usually does – the students submit their projects and are delighted to have completed a proper piece of research work. Dear supervisors, thank you so much for the work you do! 

Visit to UiO Campus South

Medisinstudenter fra modul 4 og studiedekan Magnus L?berg var p? bes?k ved Sykehuset S?rlandet for ? treffe de nyansatte underviserne og kollegaene, se p? UiO Campus s?r sine lokaler og fasiliteter, og blir bedre kjent i Kristiansand som studieby.

We are sure that this will be a very nice offer for our medical students. We have now employed good educators at UiO Campus South who are really passionate about teaching and our students. We look forward to attending the opening of UiO Campus South in August, and to welcoming the lucky students.

Seminars on sustainability and global health

We hope that as many of our lecturers and students as possible attended today’s seminar on climate change in health education and the opening of our new ‘Centre for Pandemic and One-Health Research’, which was celebrated with an open meeting on what we have learned and how we can prepare for the next pandemic of Disease X. We know that it takes a little extra to engage with these important topics that we are now raising, but we believe that engagement will have an impact on teaching and research at MED in the future.


For your information, UiO has assessed that there is no need to prepare common guidelines for ChatGPT, but UiO’s website for use of sources, referencing and cheating has now been updated to emphasise that assignments must be independent pieces of work. See links to more information about this below the pictures at the bottom..

Kind regards, Hanne, Magnus and Eli



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By Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo with her two Deans of Studies Magnus L?berg and Eli Feiring
Published June 9, 2023 9:53 AM - Last modified Jan. 23, 2024 3:23 PM