• May 9, 2023

    We visited Université Paris Cité, which is a partner in Circle U. The goal of the trip was to get to know and learn from each other, and to look at opportunities for further cooperation and exchange within Circle U. The heading was "The future of health education". Among other things, we gained insight into how the UPC organises its medical school, and how the admission model and its national examination in medicine affects its entire study programme. We visited its impressive simulation centre and also gained insight into how it tests the implementation of digital OSCE as a formative activity for medical school. Following our visit, a separate meeting was scheduled to look at potential student exchange between the University of Oslo and the UPC.

  • May 9, 2023

    We visited Université Paris Cité, which is a partner in Circle U. The goal of the trip was to get to know and learn from each other, and to look at opportunities for further cooperation and exchange within Circle U. The heading was "The future of health education". Among other things, we gained insight into how the UPC organises its medical school, and how the admission model and its national examination in medicine affects its entire study programme. We visited its impressive simulation centre and also gained insight into how it tests the implementation of digital OSCE as a formative activity for medical school. Following our visit, a separate meeting was scheduled to look at potential student exchange between the University of Oslo and the UPC.

  • May 9, 2023

    We visited Université Paris Cité, which is a partner in Circle U. The goal of the trip was to get to know and learn from each other, and to look at opportunities for further cooperation and exchange within Circle U. The heading was "The future of health education". Among other things, we gained insight into how the UPC organises its medical school, and how the admission model and its national examination in medicine affects its entire study programme. We visited its impressive simulation centre and also gained insight into how it tests the implementation of digital OSCE as a formative activity for medical school. Following our visit, a separate meeting was scheduled to look at potential student exchange between the University of Oslo and the UPC.

  • May 9, 2023

    The Faculty of Medicine, together with the other faculties at the University of Oslo, was tasked with contributing to the contents of a casket that will be buried under the foundation wall. We have chosen to bury a model of a DNA molecule. The model is a symbol of the importance of basic research for groundbreaking knowledge that has provided and allows for better understanding of disease, diagnostics and treatment. The molecule has been inscribed as follows: "Kunnskap for fremtidens helse. Det medisinske fakultet 2023" ("Knowledge for the future of health. The Faculty of Medicine 2023”).

  • May 9, 2023

    From left: Biraj M. Karmacharaya, Bernadette Kumar, Jan Bj?lie, Ram Shretsta and Suraj Thapa

  • May 9, 2023

    Lecture with Dr. Ram KM Shrestha

  • May 9, 2023

    Lecture with Dr. Ram KM Shrestha, here with Pro-Dean Jan Bj?lie.

  • May 9, 2023

    From left: Biraj M. Karmacharaya, Ram Shretsta, Hanne Flinstad Harbo, Magnus L?berg, Jan Bj?lie, Bernadette Kumar, Suraj Thapa and Grethe Dyb