Dear colleagues,

The work on a new strategy for the faculty is well underway after a good start to a seminar involving faculty managers in April.
The goals that were part of our election campaign
When we started the strategy work in the new year, our point of departure was our election platform, where the main goals were described as follows:
- Strengthen the faculty as an outstanding place of study, a leading research institution and an active social actor.
- Develop the faculty in line with new knowledge and society’s needs
- Improve organisation at the faculty and ensure good interaction with units, employees, students and other partners
In the election platform, we described our vision as follows: “Outstanding and innovative research and education for the benefit of both the individual and society”.
We have now started work on further developing both the vision and our goals in collaboration with our employees, and, through our managers, we will receive input from everyone.
Our tools from the election platform
We believe we have benefited from the tools we launched in the election platform:
- Promote: We will improve and use forms of collaboration and communication that ensure open processes and make the work at the Faculty of Medicine more visible, both within the organisation and externally to the general population and our partners.
- Involve and collaborate: We will stimulate collaboration both internally and with external partners. We will facilitate the involvement of more employees and students in the development and governance of the faculty.
- Decide, implement, evaluate: We will base our decisions on open, time-limited processes, implement measures, evaluate results and, where required, follow up with necessary corrections.
Outline of prioritised initiatives for the Rector and the Board
The Rector has already asked us to outline three distinct areas of development.
With regard to programmes of study, we will work specifically on places for medicine at decentralised campuses, we will review bachelor’s and master’s programmes and work with digital infrastructure and teaching recruitment.
With regard to research and innovation, we will improve research training and develop a roadmap for research funding. We will also work with The Life Science Building and other areas.
With regard to human resources and organisation, we will implement and evaluate organisational changes, stimulate collaboration between units and reduce temporary appointments.
Work involving strategy and action plans
The Office of the Dean is now working on compiling a draft strategy, which will be discussed in management meetings and then sent out to employees with an invitation to provide input.
The next step will be to put an action plan in place. We will appoint a work group to prepare drafts from 15 August to 1 October. Thereafter, the plan will be discussed in management meetings, with units and in the budget session at the end of October. The action plan will be presented at the Faculty Board Meeting for decision in December, and will be used as an active work tool in the units. The status of work in accordance with the action plan will be raised in management meetings twice a year.
This year’s Holmenkoll Relay Race
Many sporty and cheerful people made a great effort in the Holmenkoll Relay Race on 13 May. Thank you to everyone who represented us! Some of the participants were at a higher level than others, but everyone did their best and enjoyed the day. The faculty administration, Klinmed and IMB all fielded their own teams. As you know, the most important thing is not to win, but to participate and have fun!
University management establishes a work group regarding OD and MED
The faculty management encourages everyone to welcome a work group that will study the effects of a possible joint organisation of OD and MED. It is emphasised that the project is the university management’s initiative. Read more about this here in Norwegian or talk to your immediate manager if you have any questions.
Good response to breakfast invitation
Thank you for responding to the breakfast meeting invitation that has been sent out. There is still the opportunity to come and have a breakfast chat with me before the summer holidays. Either between 8-9 a.m. Wednesday 31 May, or Thursday 8 June, by attendance at the faculty administration, Sogn Arena, 2nd floor. Registration must sent no later than the week before to Solmaz Azar by completing the online form for breakfast.
Yours sincerely, Hanne
Management meeting and strategy seminar. Photo: Thomas Olafsen, UiO