Dear students and employees!

Most people are now back after the holidays and ready to start new tasks. I would like to give a special welcome to all our new students and hope they enjoy the exciting and important studies we provide, and we congratulate everyone who has reached new milestones both in their studies and research.
The Office of the Dean is already hard at work on many different ongoing cases.
Below you can read about four activities that we will be particularly focusing on during the first weeks after the holiday.
Sign up for ‘Health for Ukraine’
All of us must contribute to solving the major challenges our society faces.
Therefore, we welcome both students and employees at the Faculty of Medicine and interested guests to this autumn’s start of the semester meeting ‘Health for Ukraine’.
It will take place on 14 September from 10.00 to 16.00. Sign up and join us in filling the Aula!
The meeting will highlight that those of us who have health knowledge and expertise can play an important role in assisting Ukrainians in the brutal war we are in the midst of.
Our researchers, clinicians and partners are already doing an important job of spreading knowledge, offering expertise and participating directly in relief work. This is true both in Ukraine and for Ukrainian refugees in Europe and in Norway.
We are now gathering key knowledge and expertise communities to share experiences and challenges in this work so that we can learn more about what is needed, what is useful and how we can take these efforts further.
Vision, strategy and annual plan: Feel free to provide us with input
The faculty management team will use this autumn to create an annual plan for the work taking place at the faculty up until 2026. The plan is based on a relatively concise strategy, which was drawn up during the spring in very good collaboration between the heads of the departments, units, faculty administration and the Office of the Dean.
The annual plan work will be based on the faculty’s vision for this period, which is:
Outstanding knowledge for future health
We have three general objectives for the faculty
- Educational objective: Provide outstanding health education for a sustainable society.
- Innovation and research objective: Facilitate innovation and outstanding, relevant and ground-breaking research.
- HR and organisation objective: Further develop employee activities and expertise in a flexible organisation.
All employees and student representatives are now invited to provide input to the annual plan work through their managers and units.
UiO Campus South
On 24 August, we will open UiO Campus South. This will involve a formal opening ceremony and large attendance at our new student centre at the Hospital of Southern Norway. It is a historic day for both the Faculty of Medicine, UiO and the region of Southern Norway. Some of our medical students will now be able to complete parts of their education at the Hospital of Southern Norway and in Agder’s municipalities.
In the feature article Decentralized medical education ensures better medical coverage (in Norwegian), we describe how UiO Campus south is a measure against the shortage of doctors. The article has been written in collaboration with S?rlandet hospital HF.
Medical research festival at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology
This year, we are also arranging a research festival for students and families at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. This time, the festival will take place over the course of two days, firstly a day for school pupils on 21 September and then a day for the whole family on 23 September.
Here we can really present our research and meet the public in a good way. There is great interest from the public and I hope many communities will participate with stands or short lectures. The faculty contributes both financially and practically.
Contact project manager Hanne Bjerknes if you are interested in participating or have questions.
Here you can see photos from last year's festival.
This year's festival lasts for two days. Thursday, September 21st, schools in Greater Oslo are invited, and over 400 students are already registered.
With this, I warmly welcome all of you to a new semester and look forward to much exciting and important work and collaboration! Looking forward to meeting you all around!
Best regards, Hanne