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Spring and new opportunities

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about the presentation of the faculty’s Teaching Award and that the HELP and Sustainit units have changed their positions in the organisation. Read also about Research Days, the Research Grand Prix, construction work at Domus Medica and the seminar on women’s health.

Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo. Photo: ?sne Ramb?ll Hillestad, UiO

Dear employees,

I hope that all of you have had a great Easter! 

The Teaching Award at MED

We got straight back into things after the Easter holidays with the presentation of the faculty’s first Teaching Award for the professional study programme in medicine. Student representatives from each cohort nominated two candidates, after which the heads of education at the three institutes selected three candidates who went on to be voted for among the medical students. 

Congratulations to the winner of the award Marit Inngjerdingen and also to the co-nominees Johanne Egge Rinholm and Jan Ivar R?ssberg. All the nominees attended the presentation on 2 April:
Rising to the top through commitment and clarity (link in Norwegian).


At the faculty board meeting on 12 March, a minor internal reorganisation was adopted from 1 April 2024 for our two newest units, HELP - Unit for Health Sciences Education and SUSTAINIT – Sustainable Health Unit. The reorganisation will not have consequences for the performance of the units’ tasks and functions.

HELP supports activities within digital infrastructure related to examinations and studies, educational development work, e-learning, and quality assurance work in relation to medical studies and SamPraks. During 2023, excellent work has been carried out in establishing and developing the unit, and arrangements are now being made for the best possible organisation so that HELP becomes a section under the Faculty Director with academic management from the dean of studies.

SUSTAINIT has now been moved in its entirety as a unit within Helsam. Very impressive work has been carried out that will be continued and further developed. Head of Unit, Professor Eivind Engebretsen, has written a nice guest post in this edition of MED-nytt, about the important tasks that SUSTAINIT will continue to work on.

We congratulate and welcome Professor Gunnveig Gr?deland as the newly appointed head of SUSTAINIT’s Centre for Pandemics and One-Health Research, and are very happy that Professor Jens Petter Berg will continue at SUSTAINIT as head of research and development.

Research Days with Research Grand Prix

This year’s Research Days have health as their main topic, and we will make sure that we are present. In addition to the Medical Research Fair at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology, we will also participate in the Research Grand Prix this year, a kind of research dissemination competition with the national final in Oslo on 28 September. Invitations to register will soon be sent via email to all PhD students.

Domus Medica in the shadow of new hospital buildings

Our main building Domus Medica has a bit of a noisy neighbour at the moment. From 22 April (mark that this date has been postponed from the original plan), blasting work will be carried out twice a day for the next month, and there will be some changes in public transport to the building. The Institute of Basic Medical Sciences has created a website to keep us updated which is permanently located under ‘Briefings’ in MED-nytt, or see the link to IMB’s overview here. Please be patient, the construction work will soon be over. 

Women’s health is an important topic for us at MED

Come to the Women’s Health seminar on 12 April at Litteraturhuset. Hvordan er kvinneperspektivet representert i medisinsk utdanning og forskning? How is the perspective of women represented in medical education and research? Is women’s health a low priority in resource allocation?

I will be there! What about you?

Yours sincerely, Hanne

Some photos from the latest activities

Pictures from the presentation of the first Teaching Award for medical studies on 2 April. Note that the captions are in Norwegian.

By Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Published Apr. 10, 2024 12:36 PM - Last modified Apr. 10, 2024 12:39 PM