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A good start for the autumn semester

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo shares her experiences from Arendalsuka, ministerial visits, the reception of exchange students, and the autumn's events for you to participate in.

Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo. Photo: ?sne Ramb?ll Hillestad, UiO

Dear esteemed colleagues,

The faculty leadership has had a pleasant start to this autumn semester. I hope the same is true for all of you.

Exciting initial meetings

On the 9th of August, we welcomed Health and Care Services Minister Jan Christian Vestre to Domus Medica, where he discussed the challenges in medical education and working in the healthcare sector.

The participants included the leadership of UiO and the faculty, the director of South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority, the Medical director at Innlandet Hospital Trust, and one of our talented Campus South students.

Last Monday, 12th August, we first welcomed new cohorts of enthusiastic medicine, bachelor's, and master's students. This was followed by a solemn welcome ceremony with a procession and speeches at Universitetsplassen (see the photo gallery below), including participation by Prime Minister Jonas Gahr St?re. It is truly a joy to meet all these wonderful students.

Strong participation at Arendalsuka

Then we headed straight to Arendalsuka, where faculty staff were represented at several events. There were excellent academic presentations, engaging debates, and mingling, literally at the highest level, with great opportunities to provide input to both top leaders and politicians. 

I would particularly highlight the meeting organised by MED, UiO together with our colleagues at UiB, NTNU, and UiT on the topic "The Health Faculties' Importance for National Preparedness." In the discussion with Members of Parliament from the Labour Party, Centre Party, and Conservative Party, and representatives from the Armed Forces and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, there was consensus that our faculties are a forgotten resource in Norway’s preparedness plans, both in terms of personnel, researchers, and infrastructure. So, the work to change this starts now!

See photos from all the events in the gallery at the bottom of the page.

Study start for exchange students

The ten exchange students from Al-Azhar University in Gaza have now arrived well, and they started on Monday, 19th August, with the English-taught semester in their fifth year of study alongside 23 other exchange students from twelve other countries. You can read more in Uniforum (link in Norwegian) and see photos below. There has been some media attention regarding this, but we now hope that all these students will have the peace to study and be students, so they can all progress in their medical education.

Participate in our events

We hope many of you will participate in some of the many exciting events coming up:

Every third year, the University of Oslo confers new honorary doctorates. This year, the Faculty of Medicine has nominated Professor Maria da Gra?a Raposo and Director Richard J. Hatchett. Our honorary doctors will deliver lectures at Oslo Military Society on 2nd September from 13:00 to 15:30. Read more about the event and register.

On the same evening, 2nd September, from 18:00 to 19:15, Maria da Gra?a Raposo and Richard J. Hatchett, will be conferred along with 15 other honorary doctors at the ceremony in the University Aula at UiO’s annual celebration. Join us! Register for the events at UiO’s annual celebration here

The winners of this year's Kavli Prizes will deliver lectures in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience, and neuroscience on 2nd September 2024 from 10:00 to 12:00 at the University of Oslo.

And don’t forget to reserve time for our local final in the Researcher Grand Prix (link in Norwegian), the national championship in research communication, on 25th September 2024, 18:00 to 21:30, at the Student Cellar Escape, Research Park.

Ten selected participants will compete, and only two will proceed to the national final.

I hope to see you, here or there. Have a few splendid late-summer weeks!

Best regards, Hanne


Photos from the past couple of weeks

Arendalsuka, Minister's visit to Domus Medica, and the reception of exchange students. Note that the photo captions are in Norwegian.

By Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Published Aug. 28, 2024 3:41 PM - Last modified Aug. 29, 2024 11:18 AM