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Annual Celebration and Awards

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo discusses the celebration of research with award ceremonies and lectures at UiO's Annual Celebration, as well as the ministerial visit the week before. Don't miss the Research Grand Prix and several exciting events during Research Days.  Are you a postdoctoral fellow at MED? Sign up for courses.

Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo. Foto: ?sne Ramb?ll Hillestad, UiO

Dear esteemed colleagues,

On Monday, UiO's Annual Celebration took place with the conferral of honorary doctorates, the presentation of the university's awards, and the awarding of H.M. The King's Gold Medal, as well as seminars with our honorary doctors Dr Richard J. Hatchett (Director of CEPI, UK) and Professor Maria da Gra?a Raposo (Curie Institute, Paris).

It was a great experience to meet and hear these and other award winners talk about their work and celebrate research.

We are also extremely proud of our Professor Emily Burger, who received UiO's prize for Young Researchers, and Dr Ishita Barua, who received H.M. The King's Gold Medal for her Ph.D. work at MED.

The Kavli Lectures and Kavli Banquet took place on Tuesday. For our faculty, the Kavli Prize in Neuroscience is particularly relevant. This time, the prize went to three researchers who discovered a system in the brain that allows us to recognise faces: Nancy Kanwisher, Winrich Freiwald, and Doris Tsao. They each gave fantastic talks about their research in the UiO/OUS auditorium at Rikshospitalet.

Ministerial Visit

A little over a week ago, we also had the distinguished visit of Minister Espen Barth-Eide and Minister Oddmund L?kensgard Hoel, who wanted to meet our exchange students from Gaza. The ministers were receptive to their powerful stories and wished our students the best for their studies with us.

If you're a postdoctoral fellow, sign up for courses

We are focusing on young researchers and have excellent courses in our postdoctoral programme. Our goal is for all our postdoctoral fellows, as well as other early-career researchers, to have taken courses during their employment with us.

The course in research communication starts on 30th September and there are still places available, so sign up! This course receives very positive feedback and is recommended before you take the grant writing course (starting 28th October).

Information on courses and links to registration

Research Grand Prix: come, listen and learn!

The Research Grand Prix is the Norwegian championship in research communication. Come to our local final at the Faculty of Medicine on 25th September from 6 PM to 9:30 PM at the Escape student basement in the Science Park. Ten of our Ph.D. students with research projects in various medical and health sciences will then compete. The top two candidates will advance to the national final (, which will be held on Saturday, 28th September, at the old Eldorado Cinema in Oslo.

There’s certainly a lot of exciting and excellent activity at the Faculty of Medicine!

I wish you all a pleasant autumn!

Kind regards, Hanne

Photos from the past couple of weeks

Ministerial visit. UiO's Annual Celebration on 2nd September. Kavli Prize Ceremony and Kavli Lectures. Honorary doctorate conferral and lectures. Presentation of UiO's awards and the King's Gold Medal. Please note that the captions are in Norwegian.

By Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Published Sep. 12, 2024 10:24 AM - Last modified Sep. 12, 2024 10:25 AM