Large-scale relocation and building activity
Dean Hanne Harbo talks about the internal relocation process at the faculty, follow-up of our business towards construction activities, follow-up of the national budget and concern for the students' mental health.
The Management Column.jpg)
New study offer in sustainable health
Dean of Studies Eli Feiring is pleased that MED can now offer a separate honors certificate at master's level. The target group is particularly motivated higher degree students. They will gain sought-after expertise that can contribute to finding solutions to sustainability challenges.
Read the entire article in the Leadership column
Current MED news
Eric K. Fernst?m's Nordic prize 2023 to Stenmark
Stenmark receives the award for his pioneering cancer research. He has particularly focused on proteins that are central to cell division and to the regulation of the cells' sorting system. Read more on the institute's website in Norwegian.
Education for sustainable health
The Honors certificate Education for Sustainable Health offers an innovative and environmentally friendly education that is valued by employers. Read about the education on the study pages in Norwegian.
Faculty Board elections at MED. During the autumn of 2023, one representative and two deputy representatives from UiO’s temporary academic staff, including temporary professor II positions, will be elected. The elected term for this group is one year, i.e. 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2024. Postponed deadline for nominating your candidate: October 30th, 11 am.
Offer for UiO employees: The National Theatre's Christmas concert: All performances in November for only NOK 250 (ord. up to NOK 810) per ticket. Experience a pleasant time under the golden arch on the Main Stage with Lise Fjeldstad at the head of a group of theater stars.
Do as follows: Find the desired date and pick the desired seats, select the "normal price" price class. When the tickets are in the shopping cart, enter the code JULEKONSERT250 in the promotion code field.
The "Schreinerske Samlinger" (DSS) has changed its name to the following:
Biological Anthropology Collection at UiO. -
Rektoratbloggen: UiO joins forces for pandemic and one-health research in Norwegian by Jens Petter Berg, Nils Chr. Stenseth and Per Morten Sandset.
UiO Growth House Apply for funding of student innovation from SEFiO.
Excavation work at Domus Medica. Updates on plans for this autumn’s construction work from the Norwegian Hospital Construction Agency have now been published with new phase plans.
Management meetings
Lederforum (Management Forum): Overview of meeting dates. The next meeting is on 28 November. Cases can be reported and case papers submitted up until 12:00 on the last Thursday before the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting will be published here.
Overview of the Faculty Board meetings. You can find the agenda and minutes here. The next meeting is on 7 November.
University Board meetings in 2023. These meetings are live streamed and are open to anyone who would like to watch. The next meeting is on 5 December.
Opportunities and deadlines
See all important deadlines regarding applications for research funding in Funding opportunities.
ERC Synergy Grant. Deadline 8 November.
Award announcements: Keep track by visiting the annual cycle for award announcements.
UiO offers a co-working space for researchers working on topics related to climate, environment or sustainability, environment and sustainability. Areas in the Domus Academica (the original building) will be available for a period of 2-8 weeks. There is room for 5-12 people in the premises, which have an office landscape, a small kitchen and access to meeting rooms.
Do you have an idea relating to life sciences that could resolve challenges linked to human or animal health? Apply for admission to the University of Oslo: Life Science’s innovation programme, SPARK Norway to further develop your idea into new technology, treatments or services. Deadline: 9 November
Courses and events
See the University of Oslo’s course calendar for an overview of all available courses. See also updated overviews of courses from UiO:IT and the Medical and Science Library.
Updated overview: Upcoming public defences.
- Postdoctoral programme: Open registration for career-enhancing courses
The courses are part of a career development programme tailored to provide support to the faculty’s postdocs and other researchers in the start-up phase. Spaces still available!- 6, 7 og 10 November: Supervision
- 22 - 24 November: Writing grant applications
- The Brain in the Centre: An event series at Domus Bibliotheca, the University of Oslo’s arena for dialogue and dissemination.
- 8 November,18:00 – 19:30 Language
- 9 November, 08:00 – 09:30 Breakfast meeting on brainwashing
- 29 November, 18:00 – 19:30 Personality
- 18-19 October Minisymposium on CryoEM and CryoET: From knowledge to cures
- 31 October 12-13, Forum, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken: NCMM International Seminar: Sakari Vanharanta.
- 9 November: Anders Jahre’s Awards for Medical Research 2023
- The Jahre Lectures, 11:00-14:00 in the
Domus Bibliotheca by main award winner Professor Maiken Nedergaard, UiK and winner of the award for young researchers, Assistant Professor Marcus Buggert, Karolinska Institutet.
- Award ceremony in the Aula, 18:00-19:30. Everyone is welcome! Requires registration.
- The Jahre Lectures, 11:00-14:00 in the
9. November: Innovation hangout for academia and industry #3 2023 Welcome to the third UiO Growth House innovation hangout of 2023 – a meeting place for academia and industry. This hangout is a collaboration with Health2B and Norway Health Tech.
14 November: Want to understand Norwegian Working Culture? The working environment is full of social norms and unwritten rules. The aim of this very popular workshop is to provide participants with interesting and fun, but also important and useful insights into such norms and rules. The workshop is highly recommended for both international and Norwegian staff at UiO.
Spring 2024: Course in research integrity for academic staff at UiO. The course deals with legislation, guidelines and sets of norms, with an emphasis on the sets of norms. The course has a preparation module with submission of a short assignment (max. 2 A4 pages) and a physical course day. Employees at MED can sign up. Do you want to participate in a course? Send e-mail to katrine.ore@medisin.uio.no
Research News
You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine via facebook, twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.
Klinmed: Possible new treatment for leukemia Researchers have identified a novel immunotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Immune cells are programmed to recognize a mutation found in leukemia patients. The results provide hope for new and effective treatment for the most common form of leukemia in adults
Klinmed: Antiviral drugs could preserve insulin in children newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
Norwegian researchers have previously demonstrated an association between diabetes and virus infection. New research shows that, among children with type 1 diabetes, treatment with antiviral drugs could help preserve insulin levels.
NCMM: New method makes it easier to research pancreatic cancer. Researchers have found a way to make pancreatic cells from completely different cell types. This will be an important tool for accelerating the discovery of new treatments of pancreatic cancer.
Klinmed: New research identifies genetic links between Schizophrenia and Cardiovascular Disease risk factors. The study highlight the importance of including lifestyle interventions in treatment for schizophrenia.
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