Editorial: Visibility and collaboration
“We are now up and running! Thank you to everyone who participated and those who logged in to the kick-off seminar. It was great to have the opportunity to meet so many of you and we have received a lot of positive feedback about the event,” Hanne Harbo writes in her editorial. She will work to showcase the faculty and everything we stand for.
The work that will be undertaken by the management team will take place in collaboration with those of us who work and study at MED and, in order to achieve this, the Faculty Management has created a digital mailbox for feedback and ideas.
The management collumn:
K. G. Jebsen offers new opportunities
Dean of Research, Jan Bj?lie, talks about the K.G. Jebsen Foundation, which has awarded a total of 12 centres of excellence in research to MED, has now published a call for proposals for two new centres and our pre-qualification process with Oslo University Hospital is underway.
Read the full article by Dean of Research, Jan Bj?lie
Jarle Breivik selected as lecturer for Darwin Day 2023
Jarle Breivik from the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences has been selected to deliver this year’s lecture on Darwin Day at the University of Bergen on the subject of “Hva er evolusjonens mening med kreft?” (What purpose does evolution play in relation to cancer?). In the lecture, Breivik will explore the logic of evolution. What will it take to eliminate cancer? Does society have to learn to live with cancer? Read more about Darwin Day on the University of Bergen’s website.
Epidemiology is crucial to public health
With a master’s degree in Public Health Science and Epidemiology from the University of Oslo, you will learn epidemiological methodology and theory, which are crucial for identifying how various factors inhibit or promote health conditions in population groups. “Knowledge of epidemiology is crucial to the planning and organisation of our health services,” says Professor Tone Kristine Omsland.
Read the full article about our new study programme at the Institute of Health and Society on the study programme’s website (in Norwegian).
Information for employees
Mailbox for feedback to the management at MED:
Do you have a great idea? Or feedback that could be useful for the faculty management? Use the online form to submit your feedback and ideas. The mailbox is a trial project that will run until summer 2023. All feedback will be read but individual responses will not be sent. We collect contact details in case we want to invite you to tell us more about your idea. Keep an eye on MED News for updates about feedback to management.
The UiO Winter Activities Day 16th of February 2023: The Winter Activity Day is set aside for outdoor team activities for all employees at the University of Oslo. The day can be spent on various outdoor activities. Invite a colleague to go skiing, skating, cycling or walking. You can spend the entire day or parts thereof on the activities. You need to register to participate in the Winter Activity Day and don’t forget to let your immediate manager know. All participants will be entered into our prize draw. Read more and sign up for various activities and the dinner. You need to register to participate in the Winter Activity Day and don’t forget to let your immediate manager know. All participants will be entered into the University of Oslo prize draw.
The School of Health Innovation offers courses for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, heads of group and professors. Final chance: Course 1: Health Innovation and Entrepreneurship is still accepting applications. Deadline 3. February.
Uniforum: Rector Svein St?len: “Exercising has an impact on your entire life. Employees at the University of Oslo can exercise for up to one and a half hours during working hours.” Rector Svein St?len encourages employees to take advantage of this opportunity.
Exercise during working hours: This spring's training offer is ready! All employees can work out for up to 1.5 hours a week. Take advantage of this spring's training offer: floorball, yoga, strength training and neck/shoulder exercises are some of the activities you can choose from.
Remember: Transferring remaining holiday allowance from 2022:
Employees who have unused holidays from last year can apply to transfer up to 14 holiday days to 2023 using the self-service portal. Read more on the employee website on the subject and this summary news article from the UiO. Deadline: 31 January -
Offer available only to employees who have diabetes, and healthy eyes and who are not monitored by an ophthalmologist or ophthalmology department: Researchers at ClinMed have launched a new project, PerDiRe - Personalised screening and monitoring of diabetic retinopathy, and would like to invite all employees with diabetes who are not monitored by an ophthalmologist to come in for a free retinograph. The goal is to identify the risk factors for developing DR and determine the optimal screening interval. Please get in touch if you are interested.
Opinion pices at oa.no: UiO vil 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录e med hele Sykehuset innlandet (in Norwegian), by Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo and Dean of Studies Magnus L?berg. ”In anticipation of the new hospital structure in Innlandet, the campus will be integrated at the current hospitals,” they write about the plans for medical studies at Innlandet.
The Rectorate’s Blog: University of Oslo takes steps to train more doctors in South-Eastern Norway by Hanne Flinstad Harbo and Svein St?len in Norwegian. First published in Dagens Medisin.
UiO: Energy saving at UiO. Updated information on initiatives.
UB: University Library launches Library of Things. Stop by to borrow a drill, backpack or perhaps a spade? The Library of Things website has information on what you can borrow and how. The Library of Things is an initiative that aims to provide employees and students with the opportunity to reduce their climate footprint and further develop the “green campus”.
War in Ukraine: Ukraine – University of Oslo
Uniforum: Nominations wanted for the University of Oslo HSE Award.– .”We want everyone to know about the HSE award and would like to encourage you to nominate your colleagues”. So says Cecilie Wingerei Lilleheil, recently retired chair of the central health & safety committee (HSC) at the University of Oslo.
Uniforum: University of Oslo Professor on Iran: People are no longer afraid (in Norwegian). Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, Professor of Medicine at the UiO, is the head of Iran Human Rights and pays close attention to the situation in Iran. “People are no longer afraid of the Iranian regime, even if they retaliate against protesters,” he says.
UB: The University Library in Oslo is ensuring continued access to the AMED, MEDLINE (OVID), PsycINFO and Cochrane Library databases, as well as the New England Journal of Medicine for employees and students at the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital following cuts to the national agreements for the Health Library from 1 January 2023.
Management meeetings
Management Forum: Overview fo faculty board meetings. Se the agenda for the first Lederforum 31. januar.
Overview over Faculty board meetings.. You can find the agenda and minutes here. Next meeting: 7 March.
University board meetings in 2023. Next meeting 7 February. The meetings are live streamed and are ?pen for all who would like to attend.
Read about all the important application deadlines for research funding in Funding opportunities.
Award announcements: Keep up-to-date with the annual cycle for award announcements, which is updated on an ongoing basis.
The Anders Jahre Awards for Medical Research - submit your nominations by 1 February
The Nansen Fund - Fridtjof Nansens award for 2023. Deadline 10. februar
Marie Sp?berg Award - submit your nominations by 1 March.
Nominate your candidate for the UiOs HSE-award iby 15 february. On the basis of an overall assessment, the award will be given to an employee who has exceeded expectations in their day-to-day work, research or positions of trust to ensure that key issues relating to health and safety and the learning environment have been put on the agenda. Promotes constructive proposals and initiatives that help create a better working and learning environment. Is a driving force when it comes to initiating and following up on working environment measures. Contributes to a positive working environment for colleagues, managers and/or students at their unit. Contributes to raising awareness and knowledge of systematic health, safety and environment work
The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) has published call 3. Call 4 is pre-published. Deadline: 15 March 2023.
ERC Consolidator Grant: The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the deadline for the 2023 Consolidator Grant. Deadline 2 February 2023.
Courses and events
Se UiOs kurskalender for oversikt over alle tilgjengelige kurs. Se ogs? kurs fra USIT.
Oppdatert oversikt: Kommende disputaser.
27 January Webinar series:
One health – Reconnecting for the future:
Integrity and International Collaborations in an Open Science Environment Join our Ethics in Global Health Crosscutting Theme leader, Rosemarie Bernabe, as she convenes experts to discuss integrity challenges in international collaborations. -
31 January at Domus Bibliotheca: Language debate at the University of Oslo, 16:00-18:00: Debatt om spr?k p? UiO, kl. 16-18. When the University of Oslo revises its language policy guidelines, the requirement for proficiency in Norwegian that is imposed on academic staff from other countries will be on the agenda. Is such a requirement reasonable or does it prevent the University of Oslo from being at the forefront of research?
2 and 3 February 2023: Management Conference 2023 - the most important meeting place for managers in the health service! How to lead in the face of change and how to face the future? The battle for staff. New requirements. Poor finances. Priorities and sharing tasks. Digitalisation and home hospitals.
Health innovation and entrepreneurship
Apply foradmission to course 1 at the School of Health Innovation in spring 2023. How to commercialise research and ideas? How can innovation be utilised for benefit in clinical contexts? The course is for PhD students and Postdoctoral Fellows, as well as young Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Clinicians and Researchers. The School of Health Innovation covers all costs. Read more about the course and admission criteria and search for entrance and admission information. The application deadline is 3 February 2023.
9 February at Domus Bibliotheca (18:00-19:30): : Dissemination of research as a policy, practice and field of research. What do we actually mean when we talk about dissemination of research and what should we be talking about?
13 - 15 February: Livsvitenskapskonferansen 2023.
Welcome to the biggest meeting place for the life sciences in Norway! The Life Science Conference 2023 will explore the interaction between health, technology and society. Catch keynotes by the Chair of the Board of Novo Nordisk, Helge Lund, and Minister of Trade and Industry, Jan Christian Vestre, debates, lectures, major networking opportunities, receptions at Oslo City Hall, public events and so much more.
Registration has opened, register yourself today.. -
14 February: Life Science Conference 2023: Looking for new career opportunities? Sign up for Young Talents on 14 February 2023! PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and master’s degree students in life sciences who are seeking career opportunities outside of academia should sign up!
16 February: Labour and Welfare Conference 2023: “The hunt for a workforce”
16 February: UiOs Winter Activity Day. The day is set aside for outdoor team activities for all employees at the University of Oslo. The day can be spent on various outdoor activities. Invite a colleague to go skiing, skating, cycling or walking. You can spend the entire day or parts thereof on the activities. You need to register to participate in the Winter Activity Day and don’t forget to let your immediate manager know. All participants will be entered into our prize draw. Registration.
Digital Life Norway Research School: Spring courses:
17 - 21 April: Bioinformatics analyses of DNA-metabarcoding data.
Registration deadline 28 February. -
12 - 14 April: Workshop for apiring supervisors.
Registration deadline: 19 March. -
30 March: Webinar - Writing in the first year of your PhD.
Registration deadline 20 March
Research news
You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine via facebook, twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.
Medisinbloggen: How reliable is dietary advice? by Lise Mongstad ?stli.
The media is full of advice about what we should eat. But what should we believe when there is so much contradictory advice?
Klinmed: Winter can be tough for those affected by rare cold agglutinin disease by Elin Martine Doeland Imagine not being able to go outside during the winter? Or having to put gloves on to open the refrigerator? New knowledge and improved treatment are providing hope for people with rare cold agglutinin disease.
IMB: Bacteria racing in the intestines of newborns in Norwegian by Cecilie Bakken H?stmark. Imagine a horse race in which the winner gets all the power and is both fed and protected against enemies? That is how bacteria fight one another in the intestines of newborn babies.
Klinmed: Successful collaboration with South Africa in Norwegian by Elin M. Doeland. An institutional commitment to collaboration with South Africa has paved the path for new studies on tuberculosis. Anne M. Dyrhol-Riise believes that international research collaborations are crucial and should be stimulated.
IMB: Can we get more schoolchildren to eat fruit and vegetables? in Norwegian by Cecilie Bakken H?stmark. Twenty years ago, four in ten European children ate fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. Today, this figure remains the same despite investments in fruit schemes for schools. Why did the initiatives not work?
Khrono/ Helsam: Making it easier to conduct research into “ordinary” patients (in Norwegian). The PraksisNett pilot project has been allocated funding in the national budget. The goal is more and better research, explains Project Manager and Professor, Guri R?rtveit. The Faculty of General Practice is a partner in the project.
MED-nytt is an internal newsletter for all employees and associates. Individual MED-nytt subscribers can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by unsubscribing here. If you want to subscribe to MED-nytt, you can subscribe here. Also follow news from the Faculty of Medicine on facebook, twitter, linkedin and instagram.