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MED-nytt, no 8 – 2023

Read about why good funding for basic research is important. The Norwegian Health Assosiation (Nasjonalforeningen for Folkehelsen) has awarded the heart research award and the dementia research award to researchers Dan Atar and Evandro Fei Fang. Get help with recruitment or become an MSCA postdoctoral fellow.

Editorial: Basic research must be strengthenedImage may contain: Smile, Table, Picture frame, Automotive design, White-collar worker.

Dean Hanne Harbo has written a feature article together with Ole Petter Ottersen. They want to show how important basic research is, for example in preparation for upcoming pandemics, and want this to be taken into account when research funding is discussed.

Read also about the deadline for input into the road map for research infrastructure, a meeting about collaboration and premises in the Life Sciences building. And last but not least: Read and keep updated by reading our newsletter from the management. Bring your input on issues you want to hear more about and tip us about interesting issues from your environment.

Read the full Editorial.

The Norwegian Health Assosiation's research awards
to our researchers at Klinmed

H.M. Kong Harald awarded The Norwegian Health Assosiation's (Nasjonalforeningen for Folkehelsens) heart research and dementia research award to researchers Dan Atar and Evandro Fei Fang on Tuesday 18 February. The Dean's office congratulates the winners in the prestigious awards. 

Read more in Norwegian: Vinnere av Nasjonalforeningens forskningspriser hedret av kongen 

Receives a Marie Curie-Action postdoctoral positionAleksandra Eriksen Isham

Aleksandra Eriksen Isham has been awarded a two-year postdoctoral position through the EU's program Marie Sklodowska Curie-Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships. She will research vulnerability factors for the development of borderline personality disorder (BPD) at NSSF. Read the entire case on the institute's website in Norwegian


Get help to become an MSCA postdoctoral fellow

Register for a two-day application writing course: Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship - 2023 Masterclass 13 - 14 June. Eligible applicants for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA PF) are invited to attend the fellowship application course tailored to the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship call. In addition, the program includes inspiring testimonials and advice from successful applicants and supervisors. Contact the Faculty's External Funding Unit (EEF) for more information or read more here: Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions postdoctoral fellowships

Group leaders and researchers who wish to host an MSCA Postdoctoral fellow can sign up for a webinar with the Unit for External Funding (EEF) on 25 April.

Seed funding for innovative researcherss?kornsmidler til 16 forskere 

Congratulations to 16 research groups at UiO who have received seed funding! Eight of the groups are led by our researchers: Ahmad Ali Ahmad (NCMM), Audun Kvalvaag (CanCell), Emilie Steinbakk Ulriksen (Klinmed), Gerard Boix Lemonche (Klinmed), Henrik Holmstr?m (Klinmed), Nicolina Sekulic (NCMM), Peter Fedorcsak ( Klinmed) and Ranveig Braathen (Klinmed). The researchers will use the funds to further develop their own innovation ideas with the aim that the research will be put into use. Everyone who applied for seed funds is now offered follow-up from Veksthuset. Read the full story from the UiO Growth House.

StudiesAnsatte UiO Campus s?r

The medical students on module 4 in spring 2023 are invited on a free and non-binding study tour to UiO Campus south. Here they will visit the hospital, meet future teachers and colleagues, check out the association's facilities and get to know Kristiansand better. Read more in Norwegian.

Information for employees

  • Are you a postdoctoral fellow at the faculty and want to learn more about research management? In that case, you can register for the Postdoctoral Programme's course 7-8 June. There are still places available. This time the course will be conducted without a module on guidance. Read more about the postdoctoral program and the courses. We admit relevant applicants continuously, so submit your application as soon as possible.

  • Excavation work will block walkways to Domus Medica. Sykehusbygg begins preparatory work for the construction of a new national hospital theese days. A website has been created where you can follow updates on the work and its consequences. You will find more details about the construction work on the Norwegian version of the page. When the construction work has direct consequences for us, information will be provided in Norwegian and English.  Read more and stay tuned here.

  • Mailbox for feedback to the management at MED: Do you have a great idea? Or feedback that could be useful for the faculty management? Use the online form to submit your feedback and ideas. The mailbox is a trial project that will run until summer 2023. All feedback will be read but individual responses will not be sent. We collect contact details in case we want to invite you to tell us more about your idea. Keep an eye on MED-nytt for updates about feedback to management. 

  • SUSTAINIT: Eivind Engebretsen Blog: Strategy Seminar: Bridging Disciplinary. Boundaries for a Sustainable Future.

  • Where is it safe to use your password?
    Your UiO password is comparable to the pin code on your credit card. For your own safety: Do not let anyone gain access to it. It is also important that you don't use your UiO password as a password for other services outside of UiO.

Management meeetings

Management Forum: Overview fo faculty board meetings.

Overview over Faculty board meetings.. The next meeting is May 2. Deadline for registering cases 27 April.

University board meetings in 2023. The meetings are open to everyone online. The next meeting is May 5.


Read about all the important application deadlines for research funding in Funding opportunities.

  • Award announcements: Keep up-to-date with the annual cycle for award announcements, which is updated on an ongoing basis.

    • The Inter Circle U. Prize (ICUP): Deadline: 30 April

    • Prince Mahidol Award: Deadline: 31 May

  • Idéprisen 2023: It's time again for Inven2's annual idea competition. The competition is open to all employees at UiO and in Health South-East, and the main prize is NOK 250,000. The prize will go towards developing the idea into a product or service. Deadline: 5 May

  • Apply for internationalization support from UiO:Life ScienceAcademic employees, post docs and PhD students at UiO within the life sciences can apply for support to strengthen the collaboration with international research environments. The next application deadline is 1 June.

  • Apply for conference or other event support from UiO:Life ScienceAcademic employees and students at UiO can apply UiO:Life Science for funds for partially financing of open events that are in line with the initiative's strategy. The next application deadline is 1 

Courses and events

See the UiO's calender for an overview of all available courses. See also courses from USIT and Courses at Library of Medicine and Science.
Updated overview: Upcoming Disputations.

Research news

You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine via facebook, twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.

illustrasjon n?r d?den. ?yne mennesker

Apollon: Professor and priest investigate near-death experiences by Trine Nickelsen in Norwegian. It is not a dream or hallucination. It is something else, something that sticks in the memory, has deep meaning and can change lives. In one patient group, 60 per cent state that they have had a near-death experience.

lungeskadeKlinmed:  No signs of serious lung damage after corona in Norwegian by Julie Nybakk Kvaal.Researchers have followed the very first Norwegian patients with covid-19 closely for an entire year. They find no signs of serious lung damage,


SykehusHelsam: Does an increased non-attendance fee motivate more patients to attend appointments in the healthcare services? by Mathilde Coraline Aarvold Bakke. Joar R?kke Fystro, PhD-student at the University of Oslo, mapped out arguments for and against the non-attendance fee in public documents.


Erik ArnesenIMB: A snack that's good for your heart by Cecilie Bakken H?stmark.

Eating nuts and seeds frequently can reduce the risk of heart disease, shows a major new study review.



MED-nytt is an internal newsletter for all employees and associates. Individual MED-nytt subscribers can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by  unsubscribing here. If you want to subscribe to MED-nytt, you can subscribe here. Also follow news from the Faculty of Medicine on facebook, twitter, linkedin and instagram


By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Apr. 25, 2023 9:40 AM - Last modified Sep. 28, 2023 4:19 PM