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MED-nytt, no 6 – 2024


Dekan Hanne Flinstad HarboEditorial: Happy Easter!

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo is pleased about the good result regarding the ARK survey with a response rate of 67.7%.

Work will now begin on follow-up at the units. She encourages everyone to contribute to this work, including those people who have not taken the survey.

She also invites people to attend the awards ceremony after the holidays and wishes everyone a good and well-deserved Easter holiday! 

Read the Dean’s full editorial

StudiedekaneneThe Management Column

Good figures from the Candidate survey

Universitetet i Oslo har gjennomf?rt en sp?rreunders?kelse blant alle som avsluttet en grad ved UiO i perioden fra h?sten 2018 til v?ren 2023. Studiedekanene, Magnus L?berg og Eli Feiring, oppsummerer resultatene for MED.

Read the full post in the Management Column.

Guest post: A diverse faculty in touch with the times

Tony Sandset, chair of the faculty’s LIM Committee, writes about major plans for strengthening the work on equality, inclusion and diversity at the faculty in connection with a major grant from the Research Council of Norway’s Balance+ programme.

Read the full post in the Management Column



Teaching award 2024

Welcome to the Large Auditorium in Domus Medica for the presentation of the first teaching award for the professional study programme in medicine on 2 April, directly after the Easter holidays. Johanne Egge Rinholm, Marit Inngjerdingen and Jan Ivar R?ssberg are all nominated. Don’t miss the spring’s Student Organisation Day at the faculty. Read more in Norwegian.

News from MED

Andreassen will receive the Norwegian Brain Council Research Award for 2024

Andreassen receives the award for his extensive research on the brain and brain diseases that has been of very high quality over many years.

Read the full story on the institute website in Norwegian.


Opportunities and deadlines

Opportunities and deadlines

Courses and events

See the University of Oslo’s calendar for an overview of all available courses. See also updated overviews of courses from UiO IT and the Library of Medicine and Science.

Overview: Upcoming public defences.

  • Course in research data management. Learn how research data can be managed in a legal, structured and secure manner, and how it can be stored, reused and understood in the future by yourself and others. Some courses in Norwegian and some in English.
    • 16. april: Plan your research data management
    • 17. april: Share, archive, and reuse research data
    • 22. mai: Planlegging av forskningdatah?ndtering
    • 24. mai: Del, arkiver og gjenbruk forskningsdata
  • 24. juni - 28. juni: Course in Machine Learning for Epidemiologic and Health Policy Analysis. Adapting machine learning to Norwegian health data to enhance causal analyses of patient pathways and patients’outcome. Register by April 15.

About research

You can follow the faculty on facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

F?rsteamanuensis Hanne Cathrine LieIMB: E-tool to help young people who have had cancer. It will soon be easier for people to live with long-term effects after having cancer as a child or young person. Hanne Cathrine Lie plays an important role in a European innovation programme that will develop the digital tool e-QuoL.


Ingvild Bjerke og Trygve LeergaardIMB: Advanced infrastructure will revolutionise brain researchThe European research infrastructure EBRAINS enables brain scientists to share, find and use data in new ways and far more efficiently than before.


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By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Mar. 21, 2024 12:13 PM - Last modified Apr. 10, 2024 11:52 AM