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MED-nytt, no 11 – 2024


Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo

Editorial: Let’s look after each other!

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about what is happening at the Faculty. Discussions concerning the possible merger of the Faculty of Dentistry (OD) and the Faculty of Medicine (MED) will not be taken any further.

A strike is under way, it will soon be summer, and we are working to ensure that UiO is as safe as possible in every way. MED must be a good place to study and work for everyone.

Read the Dean’s full editorial


News from MEDJohanna Wagnerberger

A meaningful leadership post

Johanna Henny Wagnerberger has led MedDocs through two periods. In the autumn, a new leader will be elected from among the PhD candidates. Read about her experiences of the post and some of the important tasks she has been involved with.
Read the full article on the faculty’s website for employees

Ukraine funding for four research projects

Illustrasjon Ukrainatildeling. Vinnere og UkrainaflaggThe faculty is allocating just under NOK 1.7 million to stimulate academic development and research on the consequences of the war in Ukraine. Thomas Clausen, Else Charlotte Sandset, Suraj Thapa and Frank Becker were all awarded funding for their projects.
Read more under the latest news about the faculty

The father of the Lipid Clinic turns 80

Professor emeritus Leiv OseProfessor emeritus Leiv Ose fought long and hard before his Norwegian colleagues eventually realised that there is a link between familial hypercholesterolemia and heart disease. Looking back on his career, he is most proud of the fact that he set up the Lipid Clinic 40 years ago.
Read the article on IMB's website.

Six weeks of drilling at Domus Medicaillustrasjon byggearbeider utenfor DM

From 27 May to 8 July, there will be some noise from the drilling that is taking place on the northern side of Domus Medica.

Read the full article on IMB's website.


Become a merited educator at UiO

Have you made an extraordinary contribution to the field of education at the University of Oslo? If so, you should apply to become a merited educator. The deadline is 1 September.
Read more on the University of Oslo’s website in Norwegian.

Are you merited educator of the year?

On 4 June, UiO’s Educational Academy, Department of Study Administration and LINK will host a seminar for anyone who is considering responding to the call.
Read more on the website for LINK - Centre for Learning and Education in Norwegian.


Management meetings

Opportunities and deadlines

Courses and events

See the University of Oslo’s calendar for an overview of all available courses. See also updated overviews of courses from UiO IT and the Library of Medicine and Science.

Overview: Upcoming public defences

About research

You can follow the faculty on facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Per Ole Iversen

IMB: Surprising facts about organically grown cereals. According to an international meta-study, there may be smaller quantities of certain mycotoxins in organically grown cereals compared with cereals grown in the normal way. This and other findings from research on agricultural products could have major consequences.


Espen DietrichsUniversitetsplassen: Is an artist’s brain different from other people’s brains The myth of “artistic flair" or “the artist’s brain” is widespread. The tortured poet or the long-suffering artist. But, is there actually a difference between an artist’s brain and a “normal” brain? Come to Brain in the Centre on 5 June.

Illustrasjon samtaleterapiMedisinbloggen: Better therapy for depression by Jan Ivar R?ssberg. Not everyone who struggles with depression benefits from counselling. What can we do to adapt the treatment to suit the individual?




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By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published May 30, 2024 3:32 PM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2024 9:45 AM