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MED-nytt, no 17 – 2024

The autumn elections. Calls for prize nominations. Sign up for the Jahre Prize ceremony and lectures.

Updates on the Life Science Building and budget work. Relocation from Rikshospitalet to Gaustad and new University of Oslo premises at Radiumhospitalet. News on construction work at Domus Medica.


Bildet kan inneholde: briller, smil, erme, anlegg, rynke.Editorial: The Life Sciences Building, Collaboration Meetings, and Budget Work 

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about a visit from Sydney for collaboration meetings with UiT. Site inspection at the Life Sciences Building, budget work, and emergency preparedness exercise.

Don't miss the local and national finals of the Researcher Grand Prix in science communication next week.

Read the full editorial


The management columnStudiedekan Magnus L?berg

Relocation from Rikshospitalet to Gaustad and New University of Oslo Premises at the Radiumhospital

Vice-Dean for Education Magnus L?berg provides an update on the opening of new University of Oslo premises at the Radiumhospital and announces that the Medical Library, the Skills Centre, and the study rooms at Rikshospitalet will be moving to Gaustad next week.

Read the full article in The management column

News from MED

Tram Stop at Rikshospitalet Closestrikken

The tram stop at the National Hospital Rikshospitalet is closed from September 16th. There will be a bus service replacing the tram for a period from John Collet's place.
Read the full article on the IMB website.

Byggeplass ved RiksenConstruction Noise Around Domus Medica 

Construction Noise Around Domus Medica There will be periods of drilling and wire sawing near Domus Medica in September and October. The underground car park at Rikshospitalet and the tram tracks will be removed. 

Read the full article on the IMB website.


  • MED: Election of a New Leader for MedDocs.?ge Winje Brustad og Gorm Edwin  ?ge Winje Brustad and Gorm Edwin are standing as candidates. If you are enrolled in the PhD programme between 1 September and 30 September 2024, you can help decide who will be the voice of the PhD candidates in the Research Education Committee. Voting starts on Friday, 20 September. A new leader will be elected for one year from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025.

  • MED: Faculty board election: In Autumn 2024, a representative and two deputy representatives from the temporary scientific staff will be elected. The deadline to nominate your candidate is 20 October. 

  • UB: Have you noticed that the Medical Library has created new subject pages for medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy? Here you will find databases and reference works, information about the library's courses and services, and other resources you might need for finding research literature, writing and referencing, or publishing openly. The website is intended for both staff and students and is of course, also available in English.

  • e-post overloadUiO: New Email System at UiO: The transition to the new solution begins in early October. Remember that email is not a secure storage place. It is important to tidy up your account. Make sure to remove any sensitive information before the migration. Read more:

  • UiO: Academic Environments in the Life Sciences Building. It is now confirmed that large parts of the Department of Biosciences at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and parts of the Department of Oral Biology at the Faculty of Dentistry will move into the new Life Sciences Building.

  • Opinion Piece in Aftenposten in Norwegian by Gunnveig Gr?deland and Sigrid Bratlie: Science has not provided good enough answers to the question of the pandemic's origin.

  • KURT: Would chatGPT need to resign as minister of higher education?

  • UiO: Theatre Performance Offers for UiO Staff

    • Reduced price on performances of Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler in September.

    • UiO employees can get tickets at a symbolic price for Garborg’s Haugtussa on the main stage: 1 October, 3 October, 8 October, and 10 October.

Management meetings

Opportunities and deadlines

Courses and events

See the University of Oslo’s calendar (in norwegian) for an overview of all available courses. See also updated overviews of courses from UiO IT (in norwegian) and the Updated course overview from the University Library (in norwegian).

Overview: Upcoming public defence.

About our research

You can follow the faculty on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

sovende barnMedisinbloggen: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare by Jonathan Adams in Norwegian. 

AI also presents us with ethical challenges and can seem daunting. How can we use the technology in a good way?



Illustrasjon bekymret person. Statue i Vigelandsparken.Medisinbloggen: Euthanasia: When can we kill a person in Norway? by Bj?rn Hoffmann in Norwegian. The debate on euthanasia regularly resurfaces. What moral reasons do we have for taking the life of a person who wishes to die?


Richard HachettMED: Learn about vaccine progress from the WHO. Watch the recording of the honorary doctoral lecture by Dr. Richard J. Hatchett on 2nd September. Read more about the lectures here.




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By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Sep. 19, 2024 12:17 PM - Last modified Sep. 25, 2024 1:09 PM