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More and better applicants for out study programs – but who are they?

April 15th is the deadline for applying to higher education in Norway. The young and talented crowd then has to decide what study program will range at the top of their wish list at the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service (Samordna opptak).

group photo

Photo: ? UiO/Anders Lien

At the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MN) we have some big hairy goals of reaching π applicants per study per study place, ie 3.14. So far, only pharmacy studies have reached the target from 2014, but the growth in applications for science studies at UiO has been formidable during the recent years, well above the national average, which has also seen a positive trend.

Academically motivated

So what is characterizing the young people coming to us? We know a great deal about them. Our applicants are not necessarily concerned with money and prestige – but they love the subjects they are going to study. Personal interest in the subject area is the most important reason for the choice of study program, followed by the academic quality of the study program and good job opportunities afterwards. This must be a great foundation for an educational institution such as ours.

power point presentation
Click for full format. In Norwegian only.

Believe Trondheim is best on research

In one field, however, the applicants fail: they are largely convinced that the research quality is much higher at our frenemy in Trondheim – NTNU. Only 29 percent believe UiO is Norway's best university. At the MN faculty, we try to mend this mistake by e.g. building a research news channel,, whose editorial crew brings knowledge about our rich and vast research to the society.

Do not expect good study environment

When the youngsters apply for UiO, it is not because they have heard that we have the best study environment. They apply despite what they have heard about student life. Hopefully they get a real surprise when they are met by fadderuke, program seminar at Sundvollen, cabin trips and experience the short distance from student to teacher.

Introduce R2 requirements

In recent years, we have had a nice development, with an increasing number of (and thus better) applicants for science and technology at UiO. But this year we introduce R2 - the toughest mathematics in upper secondary school – as a requirement for most of our study programs. Because fewer than before will be eligible, we may expect a decline in the number of applicants this year. We hope, however, that the new requirement will ensure professionally stronger applicants on a long-term basis, applicants who are better equipped to succeed than before.

By Anna Helene Valberg
Published Apr. 5, 2018 10:57 AM - Last modified Apr. 5, 2018 10:57 AM