Cristin: Reporting your scientific publications published in 2023

This information is relevant for all who publishes with the Department of Biosciences (IBV) (or sub-units) as their affiliation.

Cristin is the national system for research documentation. The researchers are themselves responsible for ensuring that their publications are registered in Cristin, while approval of the entries is the responsibility of the superuser and the Head of Department.

    Important deadlines

    30 November 2023

    Deadline for nominating new journals or publishers. Most channels will already be approved, but some may not be.

    17 January 2024

    IBV's deadline for checking that your scientific publications published in 2023 are registered in Cristin – and for registering them or notifying the IBV superuser if they are not.

    If you have problems logging in to Cristin

    • Go to and click the flag Consent. If you have a line concerning Cristin, make sure you have consented. If you had not already consented, click Consent and try logging in to Cristin the following day. Contact the Cristin superuser if you still cannot log in.
    • You can still search in Cristin to check what's registered at your name without logging in.
    • Send your publications to the IBV superuser to get them registered.


    1. The publication must be uploaded to Cristin in the form of a pdf. A pdf has to be uploaded even if the publication is Open Access or uploaded to another repository. Rule of thumb: Does your publication have a CC license? Then you can upload the final published version. If not, upload the accepted version without the journal's layout (the post-print) instead. See further details under "Instructions" below.
    2. Project numbers from RCN (亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sr?det) or EU/ERC must be added to the Cristin registration of the publication when relevant.
    3. A publication where no Norwegian institution is listed as an affiliation, does not have to be registered. But registering it will have the benefit of e.g. making it show up on your personal profile page.


    Nominate new journals or publishers

    In order for your publications to qualify for credits ("publikasjonspoeng"), they must be published in a channel (journal or publisher) that is at level 1 or 2 in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers. Most relevant channels will already be at level 1 or 2, but some may not be.

    If you are not sure whether the channels you have used in 2023 are at level 1 or 2, you should do a search in the database. If it is not approved at level 1 or 2, you can contact the Cristin superuser or nominate the journal yourself.

    Make sure that your scientific publications from 2023 have been registered

    A publication does not have to be made available in print to be counted as a 2023 publication: It is sufficient that it is available online with a DOI.

    Most publications with UiO affiliations are, or will be, imported automatically into Cristin, but not all. Some are imported with error(s). To make sure that your scientific publications from 2023 have been registered and placed in the correct category, you have to do a search in Cristin. You can do this search in several different ways, e.g. by following these steps:

    1. Log in to Cristin.
    2. Click "Researchers", "My profile" and select "Research results in Cristin". (Norwegian: "Forskere", "Min forskerprofil" and select "亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sresultater i Cristin".)
    3. If a list of publications is shown, click "Full format" and make sure the "Category" is correct. For journal publications, only the categories "Academic article" and "Academic literature review" (Norwegian: "Vitenskapelig artikkel" and "Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review") will give credit. E.g.: A publication registered in the category "Short communication" will not be counted as a scientific publication and will not give credit.
    4. Note that some publications that appear to be 2023 publications were reported already during last year's reporting.

    If you have a scientific publication that you do not see in Cristin, you have two options:

    1. Register the publication yourself: Click "Research results/NVI" and then "Register result". (Norwegian: "亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sresultater/NVI" and then "Registrer resultat"). Or,
    2. Send a link to the publication webpage or a pdf to the IBV superuser.

    If you have a scientific publication that is registered, but in the wrong category or with other errors, you can:

    1. Try to correct the error yourself (not always possible), or
    2. Contact the IBV superuser.

    Mandatory delivery of full text document

    You have to upload the publication to Cristin in the form of a pdf (unless a co-author or Cristin superuser has already done so). Rule of thumb: Does your publication have a CC license? Then you can upload the final published version in Cristin. If not, upload the accepted version (post-print).

    UiO has adopted an Institutional Rights Retention Policy (IRRP). The Rights Retention Policy goes into effect on, and including, 01/01/2023 and applies to all manuscripts submitted to scholarly journals. The Rights Retention Policy ensures that you retain the rights to the Accepted Manuscript Version (AAM) and are free to share and use this version as you wish. In other words: for publications submitted on or after 01/01/2023, you can upload the accepted manuscript version without the journal's layout regardless of limitations set by the publisher.

    How to upload a pdf or to check if someone else has already uploaded it

    When viewing the registered publication in Cristin (not in edit mode), click "Deliver full-text document" (Norwegian: "Lever fulltekstdokument"). If a pdf-file is already uploaded, you will see the file name.

    Mandatory registration of project number

    Project numbers from RCN (亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sr?det) or EU/ERC must be added to the registration of the publication when relevant. Project numbers from other funding agencies can also be added. When editing in Cristin, look for "Project code/Prosjektkode". The publication can have multiple project numbers attached to the registration.

    Published Nov. 14, 2017 12:35 PM - Last modified Mar. 13, 2024 1:52 PM