Norwegian version of this page



Time and place: , Bikuben

The 29th of December Rein Aasland turned 60 years old. For that occasion we wish to invite you to a celebration in Bikuben Tuesday the 9th of January at 15.00.

Tapas and something to drink will be served.

Please sign up below so that we know how many we will expect.

Please sign up before the 4th of January.

Time and place: , Ole Johan Dahl's Building, 5th floor, Informatikksalen

The University of Oslo takes pleasure in inviting all international researchers and Ph.D. candidates who have joined our institution recently to an orientation meeting and common breakfast on Thursday, 30 November, 07:45-10:00 am.

Immediately after the breakfast, guests may take part in a guided tour of the University Library.

Time and place: , Aud. 3, Kristine Bonnevies hus

The ARK- work environment survey results are here and will be presented to all employees next week!

Time and place: , Animal Facility

Welcome to this years Summer Party! This year the theme is "Tropical Rain Forest".

Time and place: , Bikuben

Welcome to the first IBV Grand Prix ever - a unique opportunity to get to know the other sections and see some our scientists with speed talks on their field!

Time and place: , IBV cantine
Time and place: , Animal facility

The summer party is just around the corner! Remember to sign up and then pay in the reception!

Time and place: , Nucleus 1, Bikuben

Inven2 wants to learn more about your research and motivate people at EVOGENE and AQUA to see their potential gains of innovative research.

Time and place: , Nucleus 1, Bikuben

Inven2 wants to learn more about your research and motivate people at BMB and FYSCELL to see their potential gains of innovative research.

Time and place: , Room nr 1413

Do you not have a personal profile at IBV? Is it a long time since it was last updated? Come to this Workshop and we?ll help you to do it!

Time and place: , Bikuben

Wednesday 3rd of February, the Department management at IBV invites you to  a nice get-together. We hope to see you all! 

Time and place: , Vestibule in Kristine Bonnevies Hus

The registration will be binding from the registration deadline on Tuesday 1st of December 14.30.