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IBV Grand Prix

Welcome to the first IBV Grand Prix ever - a unique opportunity to get to know the other sections and see some our scientists with speed talks on their field!

Photo: Colourbox

Each section has nominated up to four candidates who will compete to become the winner of the communications prize in IBV Grand Prix. Each candidate will give a presentation in Norwegian or English (they are free to choose language themselves) in maximum five minutes.

All employees are welcome to join the session. Food and something to drink will be served, and we encourage people to mingle. The main goal of IBV Grand Prix is to gather all employees for a nice afternoon and get to know people from different fields and sections, but also to let our promising young scientists try out their science communications skills.


The candidates are presented below:

EVOGENE: Vilde Olsson, Ina Jungersen Andresen, Marie Davey og Anders Krabber?d.

CEES: Katherine R. Dean, Catharina Broch, Michael Matschiner og Bastiaan Star.

BMB: Malin Bern, Bettina Fuglerud og Rita Pinto.

AQUA: Jan Heuschele, Sabrina Schultze og Torben Lode.

FYSCELL: Feredico Fenaroli, Dominik M. Frei, Ida Aaseb? og Elise Thomson.



Published Jan. 17, 2017 10:34 AM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2017 10:34 AM