ARENA summer party

Our annual summer celebration will take place on Tuesday 14 June. The dinner will be held at Karlsborg Spiseforretning.

Karlsborg Spiseforretning

This year's summer party will take place in Ekebergparken. We start by having a guided tour in Ekebergparken at 18.00 and thereafter walk over to our dinner venue for the night, which will be Karlsborg Spiseforretning. Our table is reserved at 19.00.

There will be common departure from ARENA's premises at 17.30.

More information on the complete program of the day will follow.

Please note your attendance and preferred main course (fish or meat) by e-mail to Tor Kristian by Friday 27 May.


The menu is the following:

First course: Cucumber soup with chives and parsley

Main course (choose between fish and meat):

Pan-fried salmon with carrot purée, broccoli, jacket potato and white wine sauce with dill


'Slow cooked' pork shoulder with bacon, split peas, cabbage and red wine sauce

Dessert: 'Tilsl?rte bondepiker' with apple, crumble and cream

Published May 20, 2016 9:36 AM - Last modified May 23, 2016 9:59 AM