Research in Progress Seminar: Bent Sofus Tran?y

On Wednesday 7 February, Bent Sofus Tran?y will present a draft of his article, co-authored with Ingrid Hjertaker, 'Central bank independence – before and after 2008. Evaluating its democratic legitimacy'.

1) How can we - when departing from normative political theory - construct criteria so that we can gauge the democratic legitimacy of non-majoritarian institutions?

2) "Method": How does on apply such criteria? Can we distinguish between necessary conditions (i.e "deal breakers" when not met) and other less significant criteria?

3) Are we trying to say too much in one piece? If so, suggestions for which questions deserve to survive a cull?

4) The paper starts with what we hoped would be a fairly stringent analytical schema, that we gradually loosen up/it collapses a bit as we are working our way through the material. How does this come across to our readers?

5) Anything else that comes to mind, we welcome all comments!

Download the paper (pdf)

This is a draft paper. Please do not share or cite without permission.


Published Feb. 2, 2018 2:45 PM - Last modified Feb. 2, 2018 2:45 PM