Meet the teacher

Published Aug. 29, 2024 11:51 AM

St?le Wig gathers students to read their curriculum together in a room at the library, undisturbed and in silence for between four and six hours. No one touches their mobile phones until the time is up. The students read and take notes on paper. How does he do it?

Published June 20, 2024 12:02 AM

The students at ?I recently appointed Martin Blomhoff Holm lecturer of the year in the latest issue of Observator, and he just completed a new course. Every now and then, he participates in debates on monetary policy in DN.

Published May 24, 2024 8:20 AM

Andreas For? Tollefsen at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography teaches GIS (geographical information systems) and rumors say he is doing many exciting things with his teaching approach.

Published Mar. 22, 2024 12:16 AM

Ida Tidemann at PSI is passionate about creating positive social learning arenas and will soon kick off this spring's rounds of Shut up & Write sessions for the undergraduate psychology students.