Norwegian version of this page

Participate in survey for young researchers

What is it like to be a young researcher in Norway today?

The Young Academy of Norway is an interdisciplinary meeting place for young researchers from all over the country. The Academy's vision is to be a clear voice in academic and research policy debate, as well as a driving force for innovative research dissemination and an attractive arena for scientific debate.

Working conditions under debate

Currently, young researchers’ career and working conditions are under discussion. The Young Academy wants to know more about how young researchers experience their work day and is therefore conducting a survey.

Researchers under the age of 45 who are employed at a Norwegian institution can participate in the survey.

The survey contains questions about:

  • How you experience being a young researcher in Norway
  • How you consider your career opportunities and Challenges
  • Your relationship with research quality and open research
  • Internationalization and diversity in academia

Read more and participate in the survey!


If you have any questions, please contact Kathrine R?e Redalen, project leader at the Young Academy.


Published Sep. 5, 2018 10:34 AM - Last modified Sep. 5, 2018 10:34 AM