Paraskoviia Domak

Senior Adviser - Section for Procurement
Image of Paraskoviia Domak
Norwegian version of this page
Phone +47 22858116
Mobile phone +47 46586217
Visiting address Klaus Torg?rds vei 3 Sogn Arena 4. etasje 0372 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1087 Blindern 0316 Oslo
Other affiliations Procurement Office


  • Procurement, framework agreements, counselling
  • National (Doffin) and European (TED) tenders
  • Entering and managing framework agreements and individual procurements
  • Counselling on procurement process
Tags: Procurement, Framework agreement, Tender, Counselling
Published Sep. 4, 2015 9:11 AM - Last modified Nov. 10, 2021 12:25 PM