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Strengthening the innovation culture and innovation ecosystem

The Life Science Growth House and dScience – Centre for Computational and Data Science will strengthen the innovation culture at UiO and contribute to making Oslo Science Park an even more holistic ecosystem for innovation where business and academia meet. Aim: Put knowledge from research into use!

Image may contain: Glasses, Shoulder, Smile, Dress shirt, Tartan.
Hilde Nebb and Morten D?hlen in Oslo Science Park. Photo by Angélique Culvin-Riccot/Oslotech.

The two new units at UiO, the Life Science Growth House and dScience – Centre for Computational and Data Science, will both contribute to strengthening the innovation culture at UiO.

Both units will have offices in Oslo Science Park in the coming years. Leader of the Growth House, Hilde Nebb, and leader of dScience, Morten D?hlen, will contribute to an even more holistic ecosystem for innovation in Oslo Science Park where business and academia meet.

Note that we have changed our name to UiO Growth House. Articles written before 2023 use the old name Life Science Growth House.

Published Mar. 4, 2022 1:52 PM - Last modified Jan. 5, 2023 8:19 AM