Note that we have changed our name to UiO Growth House. Articles written before 2023 use the old name Life Science Growth House.
The Life Science Growth House will contact all applicants end of week 24.
Who can apply?
Any student at the University of Oslo.
Ideas in all phases, from very early to more developed, are eligible.
Student funding
We can reimburse costs of up to NOK 10 000 for innovation activities for students.
A total for up to 20 projects will be granted.
The funding can be used for:
- Reagents/equipment
- Innovation training/course
- Travel to a key collaborator in an innovation project
- Fee and travel to industry/innovation conference
Application process
- Use the application form below and submit by 24 May 2022.
- A review panel will evaluate the applications and the results will be announced medio June 2022.
Selection criteria
The projects are reviewed and ranked according to the following selection criteria:
- Unmet need/need in the market
- Novelty/uniqueness of the new solution
The application form is now closed.
Please send an email to innovation@lifesciencegrowthhouse.uio.no if you have any questions.