
  • May 16, 2022

    Friday 29 April the ETH Zürich masterclass for international technology leaders visited Oslo Science Park after a week in Norway with visits to among others Wilhelmsen, Yara and DNV. ETH Zürich is at high-ranked technology university. The masterclass Master’s of Advanced Studies in Management, Technology, and Economics is a two-year continuing education programme for technology leaders. So why did they choose Norway and Oslo for their trip abroad the last semester?

    ‘We were looking for a country that has an established economy and that is dedicated to innovation and sustainability. We found that Norway has many technologically advanced companies in sectors ranging from mechanical and electrical engineering, agriculture, to health-tech along with a highly developed educational system. Additionally, we see the public and private sectors of Norway moving forward at a fast pace toward digitalization and wanted to experience firsthand how they do so, and also to gain inputs on how Norway has used its natural resources to develop the country as a whole and provide for its residents,’ say Morgan Reino Altman, Daniela Stocker and Bastian Bergman who are responsible for the programme and the travel to Norway.

  • May 16, 2022

    In Oslo Science Park the ETH students attended a seminar with the innovation ecosystem for life sciences. They met Christine Wergeland S?rbye, CEO of Oslo Science City; Bj?rn Erik Reinseth, CEO of Oslo Science Park; ...

  • May 16, 2022

    ...Lena Nymo Helli, CEO of Norway Health Tech, here with ETH alumni Hans Troye; and Nicolay Bérard-Andersen from the Life Science Growth House at the University of Oslo who all gave insight into how they facilitate collaboration, interaction, innovation and value creation.

  • May 16, 2022

    They also got several short presentations from medtech companies that are members of Norway Health Tech. Here represented by Diffia.

  • May 16, 2022

    Thank you to the ETH masterclass for visiting! Nicolay Bérard-Andersen, who is innovation adviser in the Life Science Growth House at the University of Oslo is an ETH alumni and was one of the hosts for the visit to Oslo. He envisions potential future collaboration with ETH to learn more from both them and Swiss biotech industry. Switzerland has fostered huge pharmaceutical companies like Roche and Novartis which is one of the elements that Norway is missing in its innovation ecosystem. From this we can learn and be inspired without copying. 

  • May 16, 2022

    On Wednesday 4 May, we were again ready for new international visitors when the Life Science Growth House hosted a innovation tour in Oslo Science Park as part of the EARMA conference for research advisers from all over Europe. The advisers among other things help researchers apply for support from EU and national research councils. At the tour they met CEO of Oslo Science Park, Bj?rn Erik Reinseth, to learn about how Oslo Science Park, in the heart of Norway’s first innovation district Oslo Science City, is organised to facilitate interaction and collaboration. At three locations in the park, they got short presentations followed by questions. 

  • May 16, 2022

    At Nykode they met senior director for special projects Caspar Foghsgaard; Chief Technology Officer Mette Husbyn; Chief Human Resources Officer Elise Ramse; and Office Manager Kathrine Skogen. Nykode, previously Vaccibody, is a Norwegian founded biotech company that develops among other things cancer vaccines and vaccines against infectious diseases such as COVID. The company is in expansive growth with the need for experience and competence and the visitors may serve as links to relevant applicants.  

  • May 16, 2022

    The young entrepreneurs Simone Mester and Torleif Tollefsrud Gj?lberg gave the visitors insight in the innovation ecosystem by telling how they both as students and PhD candidates have been concerned with innovation and utilised the possibilities that the University of Oslo and the surrounding innovation ecosystem have provided. They have attended the international student competition in synthetic biology iGEM, the School of Health Innovation and the innovation programme SPARK Norway.

  • May 16, 2022

    Now Simone Mester and Torleif Tollefsrud Gj?lberg are housed by ShareLab where Marius ?gaard who also was part of the tour, is one of the partners. Sharelab is a launchpad for academics and startups where entrepreneurs can test their ideas. Sharelab is one of three incubators in Oslo Science Park.

  • May 16, 2022

    Ivar Bergland, who is innovation adviser in the Life Science Growth House, told about the background for establishing the Growth House which is the need to strengthen the innovation culture at the University of Oslo to realise more of the innovation potential among researchers and students to put more knowledge from research to use. He showed how the Growth House develops innovation services and meeting places and helps researchers and students in various stages of the innovation process. Read more about the innovation services of the Growth House

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