Come explore your idea at our Dark Horse Event where no idea is to crazy!
Registration deadline 14 April
Co-Create is available to students at the University of Oslo (UiO), BI, OsloMet, Kristiania and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).
The Dark Horse event will bring together student teams and/or individuals working on innovative ideas from all the participating schools. In design thinking, the term "dark horse" typically refers to a relatively unknown or unexpected idea that emerges as a strong, compelling solution. In common parlance, it is often used to describe someone or something that wasn't initially considered a frontrunner but ends up surprising everyone with their success or performance.
During this session participants will pick one previous idea that they considered but then dropped as not promising, then ideate and prototype it. This serves at least two purposes – first in allowing the teams to shift focus and view their problem from a different perspective, and secondly by going through the design thinking process one more time. In one famous yearlong class at Stanford comprising global teams from 4 to 6 universities on different continents, teams in the ME310 class often switched their project focus to the dark horse, sometimes delivering the best project of the cohort.
We will have ideas from our design thinking workshops in calm technologies and medical AI applications, but all ideas are welcome!