The aim of this funding scheme is to support initiatives that will strengthen democracy-related research and activities as described in the ?foundational document? of UiO:Democracy.
Applications may involve several academic partners and external units, but the main applicant must be employed at UiO (minimum in a 50% position). There is no requirement of inter-faculty participation, but the application should have an interdisciplinary dimension. No co-funding is required.
We support:
- Establishment of new activities within democracy research (e.g. workshops, conferences or seminars).
- The strengthening of existing groups and projects engaged in democracy research, including salaries for research assistants and student assistants.
- Initiatives that enhance relations with non-academic stakeholders and dissemination of research on democracy (e.g. outreach-oriented events, meetings in order to stimulate contact with different societal actors and institutions, digital fora, including student-led initiatives).
- Researchers may also apply for means on behalf of students (e.g. for establishing small-scale research projects with student participation).
- Initiation and maintenance of necessary infrastructure for research and dissemination, such as databases.
Please note: This call does not cover the funding of publications and Open Access.
We strongly encourage applicants to consider the project’s environmental sustainability (e.g. as regards travel and meetings). We recommend those interested in applying to initiate a dialogue with us.
Funding limits and administration process
The maximum sum awarded is 200,000 NOK. All applications will be peer-reviewed. Applications for funding up to 100,000 NOK will be processed on a rolling basis, while funding between 100,000 and 200,000 NOK requires steering board approval. This means that the board will have the final decision, and that the applicant may expect longer processing time. Two steering board meetings are held each semester. Please see the meeting dates here.
Applications must contain:
- A short description of the initiative (1-3 pages), which includes:
- A description of the initiative.
- The initiative’s academic relevance for UiO:Democracy.
- How the initiative offers novelty.
- Description of interdisciplinary dimensions (if relevant).
- If relevant, programme/list of participants and description of sustainable implementation.
- If relevant, target audience (dissemination and external relations).
- ?Who is applying and CV(s) of applicant(s), including information about the administrative contact at the applicant’s host unit.
- A detailed budget explaining all expenses.
- The application must be approved/signed by the head of department.
- The application must be written in English.
Assessment criteria:
The most important criterion for funding is the scientific relevance of the activity, as laid out in the ?foundational document?.
In the review process we may prioritize the following:
- The initiative’s potential for establishing/strengthening genuine interdisciplinary relations within research on democracy, both nationally and internationally.
- Activities which strengthen public outreach and contact with stakeholders for democracy research at UiO, with an emphasis on public events.
- Initiatives where a majority of organizers or attendees are associated with UiO.
Important information
The application must be approved by the host unit (e.g. department). We also recommend contacting the financing section at your unit. Spending outside of UiO may be VAT eligible, and this must be included in the budgets.
Please send your application to UiO:Democracy in Elements, case number 2025/9612.
Applications not submitted through Elements will not be processed (please contact your local administration for assistance). Submit the application as a single PDF file.
Please contact the administrative coordinator at UiO:Democracy if you have any queries.