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The UiO:Life Science board

The four largest faculties are represented on the board, along with a representative for temporary employees and two student representatives. In addition, Oslo University Hospital is represented by one board member. An external chairman and an external board member ensure competence and network within society and business. The board is appointed by rector.

The board from 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2025

  • Chairperson of the board ?yvind Fylling-Jensen, former CEO Nofima
  • Business representative Gerd Nilsen, Senior Project Manager in Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • Member from the Faculty of Medicine
    • Pro-Dean Jan G. Bjaalie 
    • deputy Vice-Dean Hilde Nebb
  • Member from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
    • Head of Department Kathrin Bjerknes
    • deputy Professor Melinka Alonso Butenko
  • Member from the Faculty of Humanities
    • Pro-Dean Mathilde Skoie
    • deputy Professor Helge Jordheim
  • Member from the Faculty of Social Sciences
    • Head of Research Lars Tjelta Westlye
    • deputy Dean Anne Julie Semb
  • Member from Oslo University Hospital
    • Senior Consultant Espen Melum
    • deputy Research Group Leader Lars Eide
  • Student representatives
    • Student humanities and social sciences Niamh Ane Brekkhus (appointed 1 July 2024)
    • Student medicine and natural sciences Sigurd Graarud (appointed 1 July 2024)
    • deputy - not in place yet
    • deputy  - not in place yet
  • Representative for temporary employees 
    • Postdoctor Kjersti Johnsrud (appointed 1 June 2024, after PhD-student Inga Solg?rd Juvkam) 
    • deputy PhD-student Karl Henrik Storhaug Rein?s

Former boards

1 January 2022 - 31 December 2023

  • Chairperson of the board ?yvind Fylling-Jensen, CEO Nofima
  • Business representative Gerd Nilsen, Senior Project Manager in Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • Member from the Faculty of Medicine
    • Pro-Dean Jan G. Bjaalie (from January 2023)
    • deputy Vice-Dean Hilde Nebb
  • Member from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
    • Head of Department Kathrin Bjerknes
    • deputy Professor Melinka Alonso Butenko
  • Member from the Faculty of Humanities
    • Pro-Dean Mathilde Skoie
    • deputy Professor Helge Jordheim
  • Member from the Faculty of Social Sciences
    • Pro-Dean Tore Nilssen
    • deputy Dean Anne Julie Semb
  • Member from Oslo University Hospital
    • Senior Consultant Espen Melum
    • deputy Research Group Leader Lars Eide
  • Student representatives
    • Student medicine and natural sciences Bj?rn Kristian Eide
    • Student humanities and social sciences Jenny Agnete Duesund Hansen (from Dec. 2023)
    • deputy - not in place yet
    • deputy  - not in place yet
  • Representative for temporary employees 
    • PhD-student Inga Solg?rd Juvkam (appointed 1 June 2023)
    • deputy Postdoctor Kjersti Johnsrud (appointed 1 June 2023)


16 August 2019 - 31 December 2021

  • Chairperson of the board ?yvind Fylling-Jensen, CEO Nofima
  • Business representative Gerd Nilsen, Senior Project Manager in Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • Member from the Faculty of Medicine
    • Pro-Dean Jens Petter Berg
    • deputy Vice-Dean Hilde Nebb
  • Member from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
    • Pro-Dean Solveig Kristensen
    • deputy Head of Department Rein Aasland
  • Member from the Faculty of Humanities
    • Professor Helge Jordheim
    • deputy Pro-Dean Mathilde Skoie
  • Member from the Faculty of Social Sciences
    • Dean Anne Julie Semb
    • deputy Associate Professor Tor Endestad
  • Member from Oslo University Hospital
    • Professor Tom Hemming Karlsen
    • deputy Professor Lars Eide
  • Student representatives
    • Student medicine and natural sciences Ingvild Garmo Nilsson 
    • Student humanities and social sciences Vemund Haugevik Jernsletten
    • deputy Sara Medi?
    • deputy Axel Klanderud 
  • Representative for temporary employees 
    • Postdoctor Anette Bringedal Houge
    • deputy PhD-student Inga Solg?rd Juvkam

1 January 2019–15 August 2019

Chairperson of the board: Professor Finn-Eirik Johansen, Department of Biosciences, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Deputy chair of the board: Professor Jens Petter Berg, Pro-Dean (Research), the Faculty of Medicine

Board members:

1 August 2018–31 December 2018

Chairperson of the board: Professor Finn-Eirik Johansen, Vice Dean (Research), Professor, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Deputy chair of the board: Professor Hilde Nebb, Vice Dean (Research), Professor, the Faculty of Medicine

Board members:

1 August 2017–31 July 2018

Chairperson of the board: Professor Finn-Eirik Johansen, Vice Dean (Research), Professor, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Deputy chair of the board: Professor Hilde Nebb, Vice Dean (Research), Professor, the Faculty of Medicine

Board members:

1 June 2015–31 July  2017

Chair of the board: Svein St?len, Vice Dean (Research), Professor, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences till July 31 2017

Deputy chair of the board: Hilde Nebb, Vice Dean (Research), Professor, the Faculty of Medicine

Board members:

  • Knut F?gri, Vise-Rector till July 31 2017 (personal deputy board member Odd Stokke Gabrielsen, Professor)
  • Alexander Jensenius, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Humanities (HF) until april 2017, then Helge Jordheim at Professor HF
  • Eirik N?ss-Ulseth, business representative
  • Per Morten Sandset, Director of Research and Innovation, the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority till July 31 2017 and Professor at UiO
  • Julie S?rlie Paus-Knudsen, student representative (personal deputy board member: Kristian Tuv) until July 2017.
Styremedlemmene UiO:Livsvitenskap
The first board of UiO:Life Science. Back from left to right: Svein St?len (chair of the board), Julie S?rlie Paus-Knudsen (student representative), Per Morten Sandset (the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority) and Alexander Jensenius (the Faculty of Humanities). In the front from left to right: Hilde Nebb (deputy chair of the board), Odd Stokke Gabrielsen (personal deputy board member for F?gri), Eirik N?ss-Ulseth (business representative) and Knut F?gri (Management representative). Photo: Norunn K. Torheim.
Published May 19, 2016 6:24 PM - Last modified Sep. 13, 2024 10:24 AM