SPARK Norway Educational Forum: Regulatory Compliance (Medical device)

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Medical device compliance is imperative to the success of every medical device company. Failing to achieve compliance will compromise the future of the product.

It is in in everyone’s best interest to produce quality medical devices, therefore this industry is heavily regulated.

But, how do you actually achieve compliance for your medical device?


Learn more about how to develop your idea into a compliant medical device by two highly experienced life science professionals.

Tore Gj?rsvik
Project Director, Link Medical Research ASTore Gj?rsvik

Tore har more than 20 years experience from diagnostics and medical device industry.

He has held several managerial and executive roles in companies like GE Healthcare, MedIT and Photocure before his current role in Link Medical.

Tore holds a Cand. Mag. in analytical chemistry from the University of Oslo.


Jonas Tyss?
COO, Cardiaccs ASJonas Tyss?

Jonas has several years of engineering and R&D experience, both within tech startup and multinational IT.

He has worked with technology development in companies like Atmel and Sonitor and been a product specialist in Cisco before joining Cardiaccs almost seven years ago.

Jonas is educated in engineering at Institut national des Sciences appliquées de Toulouse and he holds a MSc in engineering cybernetics from NTNU.


UiO:Life Science
Published Feb. 1, 2021 1:08 PM - Last modified Nov. 4, 2021 9:23 AM