SPARK Norway Educational Forum: Business models, plans and business model canvas and other tools

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

A good business model describes how your organization creates, delivers and captures value. It answers essential questions about the problem you are going to solve, how you will solve it, and the opportunity for growth.


1. Learn best practice to build a solid business model and get an introduction to available tools by two leading experts from Innovation Norway.

2. Importance of business models and plans when building a biotech company, challenges and lessons learned from a highly experienced serial entrepreneur.

Claus Gladyszak  Image may contain: Clothing, Eyewear, Glasses, Vision care, Lip.

Strategic Advisor in Innovation Norway

In his role in Innovation Norway, Claus is responsible for development and best use of tools related to business modeling in customer projects. Prior to this Claus was Director Marketing in Vizrt. Claus has a Diploma in industrial deign from The Oslo School of Architecture and Design.

Joachim Thorsen Image may contain: Person, Facial hair, Lip, Cheek, Hairstyle.

Department Manager Oslo Viken at Innovation Norway

Joachim is leading the team for startups in Oslo and Viken in Innovation Norway. He has an extensive experience from several roles as CEO and CFO in addition to establishing a company and working as consultant in business development and financial management. Joachim holds a MSc in Energy Management from BI.

Morten IsaksenImage may contain: Person, Head, Cheek, Collar, Chin.

Founder and CEO at Bio-Me

Morten has been involved in many biotech startups, including Active Biotech, Affitech, and Genetic Analysis. With his vast experience from building and running biotech companies, Morten must be characterized as a true serial entrepreneur. Morten holds a PhD in Biotechnology from UiO.


UiO:Life Science
Published Dec. 14, 2020 1:33 PM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2022 4:53 AM