SPARK Norway Educational Forum - Data Quality and Reproducibility

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

High quality and reproducibility of the data generated is a foundational element of all science. However, there is an alarmingly high irreproducibility rate reported from various industry publications.

If you want to succeed in developing your idea to a viable solution, you need to understand how to build and document your data to ensure the reproducibility.

But what does this mean in your everyday academic research?



Learn more about how to ensure that the data you generate are reproducible and meet the required quality to succeed in developing a new product or solution by two highly experienced life science professionals.

Ulf T?lchImage may contain: Shirt, Clothing, Hair, Forehead, Nose.
Project leader Education, Training & Quality in Research
Berlin Institute of Health

Ulf started his scientific career in behavioral biology and then switched for several post doc years to psychology and cognitive neuroscience.

Now he is based at the BIH QUEST Center for Transforming Biomedical Research where he is head of the research group Systemic Perspectives in Translational Biomedicine.

He and his group investigate reproducibility and its impact on the translational biomedical process with an emphasis on preclinical projects.

Beyond this he develops educational formats for transparent and reproducible research practices.

Runhild Gammels?terImage may contain: Person, Nose, Cheek, Eye, Smile.
Global Medical Director, Arctic Bioscience AS

Runhild has a long experience from the pharmaceutical industry from leadership roles in GSK, AbbVie, and Abbott, and is currently Medical Director in Arctic Bioscience AS. She is also an entrepreneur, co-founding the biotech firm Regenics AS.

Runhild holds a PhD in Biology from the University of Oslo.



UiO:Life Science
Published Feb. 1, 2021 1:09 PM - Last modified Nov. 4, 2021 9:28 AM