SPARK Norway Educational Forum: Non-clinical documentation and model systems

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

In preclinical drug development, safety and efficacy data from animal models is a mandatory step in the process of turning lead compounds into drug candidates for human clinical trials.

To succeed, the right model systems must be chosen and, just as importantly, proper documentation must be done.


Three highly knowledgeable life science professionals will share their thoughts on what it takes to succeed in preclinical drug development. What is best practice for choosing model systems and proper documentation of the studies, what are the common pitfalls, what are the dos and don'ts.


Image may contain: Clothing, Cheek, Smile, Lip, Outerwear.Luise Weigand
Head of Research, Zelluna Immunotherapy 

Before joining Zelluna earlier this year, Luise was Associate Director Translational Medicine at Autolus, where she was responsible for leading biomarker analysis for two early stage clinical trials. Prior to that she spent over 7 years at Immunocore Ltd, where she built and led scientific teams from TCR discovery, through preclinical to early development. Luise holds a PhD from the Technical University of Munich/Helmholtz Zentrum München in cancer immunotherapy.


Image may contain: Smile, Sleeve, Gesture, Pantsuit, Collar.Annbj?rg Falck 
Entrepreneur in Residence at SINTEF TTO & Venture

Annbj?rg has broad experience from the pharmaceutical and biotech industry, spanning from smaller biotech companies to big pharma and pharmacy management. She has held positions as Regulatory Affairs Advisor and Medical Affairs and Clinical Manager in Pronova BioPharma, Head of Regulatory Affairs in Targovax ASA and Head of Regulatory Affairs and Quality Affairs in Zelluna Immunotherapy. Annbj?rg holds a MSc in Pharmacy from UiO and University of Southern California as an MBA from Open University UK.

Image may contain: Clothing, Forehead, Glasses, Vision care, Smile.Ole J?rgen Kaasb?ll 
CSO and co-funder, Tribune Therapeutics

Ole J?rgen worked with CCN2/CTGF (Connective Tissue Growth Factor) signaling and isolated the bioactive fragment of CCN2 and established systems for its production during his PhD. Since 2017 he worked in Prof. Attramadal's laboratory at the Oslo University Hospital on developing what has now become Tribune Therapeutics' lead molecule, TRX-44, an anti-fibrotic protein therapeutic targeting CCN signaling. Ole is a licensed MD and holds a PhD from UiO. He is still a SPARKee in SPARK Norway.


UiO:Life Science
Published May 26, 2021 12:38 PM - Last modified Nov. 4, 2021 9:29 AM