SPARK Norway Educational Forum: AstraZeneca Exchange Nordics – a business and science mentoring programme

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Through AstraZeneca Exchange, mentors from AstraZeneca support Nordic entrepreneurs and start-ups to speed up innovations that benefit patients.

By sharing expertise, AstraZeneca help to move start-ups towards sustainable and successful growth.

The setup is based on arranged non confidential, single advisory sessions on strategic questions in the early start-up journey to help entrepreneurial ideas grow.

When the life science sector grows, we all grow, and patients benefit.

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 Welcome and introduction, Morten Egeberg, SPARK Norway

17:10–17:30  AstraZeneca Exchange Nordics: a business and science mentoring program supporting entrepreneurs and start-ups + Q&A Pernilla Isberg, Director, Operation, AstraZeneca BioVentureHub and Mats Axelsson, Associate Director Procurement, AstraZeneca

AZ Partnering and collaborating with AstraZeneca + Q&A
Katarina Emanuelsson, Director Transactions, Business Development Licensing & Strategy, AZ BioPharmaceuticals R&D, AstraZeneca

17:45–18.00 Q&A (AZ & AZ Exchange Mentoring program)
18:00 –19:00   Food/drinks and mingling


Pernilla Isberg
Pernilla Isberg

Pernilla is a Pharmacist with +25 years of experience from working within AstraZeneca with marketing, clinical trials and cross functional project management.

Since 2018 Pernilla is Director Operation at AZ BioVentureHub – a novel approach to open innovation which allows smaller Biotechs and academic groups to work in close proximity to the skills and capabilities that resides within big pharma.

She is also coordinating the team working with the AZ Exchange Nordic business and science mentoring program.


Mats Axelsson Image may contain: Clothing, Forehead, Smile, Eyebrow, Beard.

In his five years at AstraZeneca, Mats Axelsson has been working across drug manufacturing, IT, Business Development, and most recently Procurement supporting AstraZeneca’s R&D units.



Katarina Emanuelsson Katharina Emanuelsson

Katarina joined AstraZeneca in March 2015 and is currently Director Transactions in AstraZeneca’s Business Development, Licensing and Strategy team supporting the AstraZeneca BioPharmaceuticals R&D.

She has over 15 years’ experience from international pharma/biotech deal-making where she completed a large number of deals with biotech’s, pharma and academia across AstraZeneca’s strategic areas.

Before joining AstraZeneca Katarina held positions within Business Development for Japanese owned Takara Bio Europe AB, French Cellectis SA and the Swedish stem cell pioneering biotech company  Cellartis AB. 


Digital attendance

If you are unable to attend at 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken, but will be able to attend digitally, please send an email to Torunn to get a separate registration link for zoom-participation. Please note that we encourage physical participation for the best experience of the meeting.


UiO:Life Science
Published Nov. 29, 2022 4:49 PM - Last modified Mar. 20, 2023 1:41 PM