SPARK Norway – a two-year innovation programme

UiO:Life Science's innovation programme within health-related life sciences. Mentoring, milestone-based funding and education to further develop your ideas. Admission through annual open calls.


SPARK Norway Educational Forum are open, monthly meetings with relevant topics presented by speakers with experience from the field.
5:00 PM, Fauna, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken
5:00 PM, Fauna, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken

What is SPARK?

  • Read what the SPARK Norway programme is all about and your benefits.  


Call for projects

  • Annual calls where researchers from UiO and affiliated research groups at OUS or Ahus are welcome to apply.
  • The last application deadline was 7 November.  

Vaccibody Innovation Award

The award was presented first time for SPARKees graduating in 2021. The winner is awarded NOK 100.000. 

SPARK Norway is member of SPARK Global

SPARK Norway partners and management team

Leader: Morten Egeberg, UiO:Life Science

Administrative coordinator: Torunn Vistnes Espe, UiO:Life Science