The meetings were held 24, 28 and 30 May.
- Download PDF of the presentation that was given at the the meetings.
- Take a look at our web page for the application process.

Meeting agenda:
? The life science initiative at UiO in general
? What we can achieve with a convergence environment?
? Funding that the convergence environments can receive
? A sketch for the application process with evaluation criteria and timeline.
It is possible to ask questions and give feedback on this point.
At present UiO:Life Science finances seven convergence environments – interdisciplinary research groups that work to solve major societal challenges related to health and the environment. The convergence environments have in total 70 full-time equivalents with PhD and postdoctoral positions and NOK 20 million in expenditures over four years from UiO:Life Science – participating units contributes with significant amounts in addition.
The process is open for input
The process that will result in the funding of 4–6 new convergence environments starts now. As in the first round, we invite you to meetings where we present a sketch of the application process with criteria and deadlines. At this time it is still possible to give feedback before the board of the UiO:Life Sciences approves the process.
Some of the issues the Board has discussed are: how to get stronger participation from the humanities and social sciences in the convergence environment; how much innovation and education should count; gender balance; foundation in the basic units; and last but not least, what meeting places we need to facilitate for researchers to meet each other across disciplines in order to establish new collaborations.