Published Apr. 26, 2019 8:19 AM

Are you a Master’s student or a professional degree student in the life science domain at UiO with an innovative idea that you want to test out and build on in the lab? Why not apply for biomaker funding from UiO:Life Science? The application deadline was 15 August.

Published Dec. 13, 2018 3:57 PM

UiO:Life Science will fund 40 educational summer research projects for students between April and September 2019. All students currently enrolled in a bachelor, master or relevant professional degree program at the University of Oslo are eligible to apply. The application form opened on this web page 15 January at 8 AM, and is now fully booked.

Published Dec. 13, 2018 3:44 PM

UiO:Life Science will fund educational summer research projects for 40 students between April and September 2019 for students currently enrolled in a bachelor, master or relevant professional degree program at UiO. We now invite you suggest projects for one or two students. The application deadline is 1 February 2019.