Norwegian version of this page

Event support

UiO:Life Science funds open events within life sciences.

Who can apply?

Academic employees, postdocs, PhD-students and student organisations at UiO.

Next application deadline

1 June 2025, 1 December 2025.


Each applicant may receive a maximum of NOK 100,000. The contribution of the UiO:Life Science may not constitute more than 50% of the expected direct expenses. Other contributions, including participation fee if applicable, can cover the remaining direct costs. The budget should be planned to balance expenses and income.

The support from UiO:Life Science can cover expenses for streaming, filming and photographing the event, hiring a venue, refreshments and/or reasonable travel and accommodation for national or international speakers.

Neither work hours or diet allowance for UiO-employees or co-organizer nor travel expenses and accommodation for co-organizers can be included in the budget. 

Further description

The purpose of the event support from UiO:Life Science is to contribute to fulfilling the ambitions set forth in our Strategy 2025-2029. This includes to:

  • initiate and support outstanding interdisciplinary research projects and other research-oriented initiatives.
  • disseminate knowledge about life sciences in the society and promote an inviting, inclusive, and development-oriented culture within the field of life sciences.

We encourage scientists within both health-related and environmental-related life sciences to apply.

The University of Oslo aims to reduce carbon emissions from travel by 2030, but at the same time professional activities should not suffer. We ask the applicants to consider digital or hybrid solutions for participants and/or speakers, and to describe their considerations in the application.


An eligible event is characterized by the following:

  • the application presents a clear budget adhering to the limitations described above
  • reasonable travel expenses and accommodation for speakers are specified with name, title and workplace of speaker and documented by web search results or price quote
  • takes place in Norway
  • has an interdisciplinary profile and target audience
  • University of Oslo employees have real influence on the event
  • takes place after the application deadline
  • is not a regular departmental event in lieu of faculty or departmental funding
  • the same (single) event has not previously received support from UiO:Life Science

Please have the following information ready before you start filling out the application form:

  • Name of event
  • Expected number of participants
  • Planned date, time and location
  • Collaboration partners
  • Considerations for digital participation
  • Description of interdisciplinary profile and target audience
  • Event description (approximately 300 words)
  • Budget, total cost and amount applied for
  • Information about other funding sources and registration fee
  • Description of planned marketing
  • Attachment: A reasonable and realistic budget must be specified. Cost estimates should be documented by web search results or price quote.

Go to application form

Evaluation of applications

A dedicated committee will evaluate all applications. You will not receive support if the requirements listed above have not been met. The most common reasons for rejection of applications are:

  • the budget is not specified
  • travel expenses and accommodation are not reasonable
  • listed expenses include items that cannot be covered (see above)
  • the event is closed (i.e. not publicly announced and accepting participants who are not invited. If so, see possibilities under Internationalization support)

If we cannot support all applications, priority will be given to:

  • events that aim to promote greater cooperation across faculties.
  • applicants who have not received similar support previously.

All applicants will receive a response within one month after the application deadline.

Visibility of support and follow-up

Successful applicants must submit a report on the funded event to UiO:Life Science within three months after the event.

The support from UiO:Life Science must be acknowledged by stating "the event has been supported by UiO:Life Science" on the event's website at and elsewhere together with the University of Oslo logo. Download English logoNorwegian logo

UiO:Life Science will inform about the event in the event calendars and newsletters.


Contact us at


Published Mar. 4, 2025 1:54 PM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2025 10:59 AM