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Workshop funding of interdisciplinary research groups

UiO:Life Science will fund several ?konvergensmilj?? – research groups with collaboration across conventional disciplinary boundaries. The application process starts with workshops with speed dating September 28 and 29.

Read more about the convergence environments and det application process.

Programme for the workshop September 28th and 29th

Wednesday 28th of September

11:30–12:00:      Registration, coffee and tea.
You will get your personal dating setup for the day when you register

12:00–12:20:      Opening session and practical information for the day
Finn-Eirik Johansen, Director UiO:Life Science and Morten Egeberg, Administrative Leader UiO:Life Science

12:30–14:10:      Speed dating, preferred topic (you will be informed about the practical arrangements during the opening session)

Speed dating topics

A1. Dealing with the data overload
A2. Integrated analysis and modelling
A3. Translation of knowledge and solutions from research to practice
A4. Methods from humanities and social sciences applicable in life sciences

14:20–14:50:      Plenary lecture
Philip Macnaghten, Personal Chair in Technology and International Development, Wageningen University & Research
Read the paper Responsible research and innovation: From science in society to science for society, with society.

14:50–15:00:      Coffee break

15:00–15:40:      Circulating meetings, optional topic (you will be informed about the practical arrangements during the opening session)

15:40–15:45:      Closing of the workshop day 1 (Finn-Eirik Johansen, Director UiO:Life Science)

Thursday 29th of September

08:30–09:00:      Registration, coffee and tea.
You will get your personal dating setup for the day when you register

09:00–09:15:      Opening session and practical information for the day
Finn-Eirik Johansen, Director UiO:Life Science and Morten Egeberg, Administrative Leader UiO:Life Science)

09:15–09:30:      Plenary lecture

Hedvig Nordeng, Department of Pharmacy, University of Oslo 

09:40–11:20:      Speed dating, preferred topic
You will be informed about the practical arrangements during the opening session.

Speed dating topics

B1. Life style, genes and disease
B2. Neuroscience and society
B3. Microbes and man
B4. Sensor systems and bio-inspired engineering
B5. Transdisciplinary ecology

11:20–11:40:      Coffee break

11:40–12:30:      Circulating meetings, optional topic (you will be informed about the practical arrangements during the opening session)

12:30–12:45:      Closing of the workshop day 2
Fnn-Eirik Johansen, Director UiO:Life Science

Published June 24, 2016 3:06 PM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2023 2:46 PM