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Looking for new career opportunities? Join Young Talents on 14 February 2024!

Are you a PhD student, postdoc or master's student in life sciences and looking for career opportunities outside academia - then you must sign up for Norway Life Science 2024!

Picture of young scientist

Young Talents - career opportunities beyond academia is part of Norway Life Science 2024. Photo: Colourbox.

The life sciences conference is organized annually, in 2024 health data is the main theme. Wednesday 14 February will also focus on competence and career. The day begins with the joint event "Health Data and Public Private Partnerships - How Competitive is Norway?". Then follows Young Talents where you will hear inspiring talks and have the opportunity to expand your network.

You will hear talks from:

  • Marit M. Simonsen, Editor, Store norske leksikon (Great Norwegian Encyclopedia)
  • Elisabeth Ytteborg, Scientist, Nofima

  • Abel Mengeste, Clinical Research Associate, Novo Nordisk
  • Marianne Lilletvedt Tovsen, Manufacturing Scientist, GE Healthcare
  • Carolina Hernandez Lasso, Agronomy Growth & Inclusion Programs Manager, Yara International & Nathalie Bj?rneby, Sustainable Agronomy Expert, Yara Norway
  • Esben A. Nilssen, Managing Partner ShareLab
  • Reina Jochems, Researcher, Norsvin

Expand your network

You will have an unique opportunity to meet representatives from various companies. This is a good occasion to gain an insight into what companies are looking for when they hire people with your academic background.


See which companies will be represented and sign up

First come, first served - sign up now

There are limited places for Young Talents, you should sign up now to secure a place. This year it will be at Meet Ullevaal, Ullev?l Stadium. It is free of charge to participate.

Go to the website for the conference

Event organizers

University of Oslo in cooperation with Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)


Published Dec. 14, 2023 1:53 PM - Last modified Jan. 30, 2024 3:57 PM