The Norway Life Science Conference is organized annually, in 2025 health data and artificial intelligence are the main themes. Wednesday 12 February will also focus on competence and career. The day begins with the plenary session "Norway, the Nordics and Europe: how to deliver tomorrow's healthcare"? Later follows Young Talents where you will hear inspiring talks and have the opportunity to expand your network.
You will hear talks by:
- Torunn Elisabeth Tjelle, Special Advisor, Norwegian Cancer Society (Kreftforeningen)
- Syed Nuruddin, Senior Researcher and Preclinical Research Manager, Norwegian Medical Cyclotron Center
- Linn W Stockinger, Public Affairs Manager, GSK
- Hussein Shakeel Butt, Scientist, Curida
- Aman Chahal, Research Scientist, SINTEF
- Geir ?ge L?set, CEO and CSO, Nextera
Expand your network
You will have an unique opportunity to meet representatives from various companies. This is a good occasion to gain an insight into what companies are looking for when they hire people with your academic background.
See which companies will be represented
First come, first served - sign up now
There are limited places for Young Talents, you should sign up now to secure a place. This year it will be at Meet Ullevaal, Ullev?l Stadium. It is free of charge to participate.
Go to Norway Life Science website
Event organizers
University of Oslo in cooperation with Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)