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Newsletter UiO:Life Science January 2016

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Oslo Life Science February 16, 2016

We will explore how we can create a leading Nordic Life Science hub for research, education, innovation and business in Oslo. This is the opening conference for UiO:Life Science.

Read more and register!



Research and Innovation News

Meet two young Chief Scientific Officers in biotechnology companies established on the basis of their own research at UiO. Both of them have collaborated with Professor Inger Sandlie who is one of UiO?s most innovative researchers. Professor Bjarne Bogen has been central in the development of the technology behind Vaccibody.

From the lab to vaccines that fight cancer and infectious diseases

‘To reach the stage of a clinical trial is exciting and challenging, and such a huge step,’ says Agnete B. Fredriksen, Chief Scientific Officer at Vaccibody, as she describes the process of taking her vaccine research further to a company that tests its products on humans and has built up a network of global partners.


Researcher and entrepreneur: Society benefits from better treatment of inflammatory diseases

The researcher Geir ?ge L?set established the company Nextera on the basis of his own research at UiO. He believes that innovation is a state of mind that needs to be inculcated from the very start of studies. Nextera’s groundbreaking technology facilitates the development of new, targeted drugs that can treat chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases with fewer side effects, and thereby benefit society considerably.


Grants from the Olav Thon Foundation to life sciences researchers at UiO

The Professors Erlend A. Nagelhus and Tone T?njum are granted support from the Olav Thon Foundation for their Alzheimer's research.  Professor Ole A. Andreassen is granted support for his national tuition-related research project on mental disorders and cardiovascular disease.



In the Norwegian version of the newsletter you may also read about

  • the Life Science Lunch on February 9 about innovation, the seminar is held in Norwegian
  • a visit to learning institutions in Denmark to get inspiration for UiO's planned building for life sciences, chemistry and pharmacy
  • a researcher at UiO who is this month's innovator in the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority
By Norunn K. Torheim
Published Jan. 25, 2016 1:49 PM - Last modified Nov. 6, 2019 6:17 PM