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Newsletter UiO:Life Science November 2016?

Research and innovation news

Health innovation on the agenda during the official visit to Canada 
(in Norwegian)

UiO:Life Science wants to learn from places where business and academia work closely to get better research and more innovation. Our administrative leader joined Oslo Medtech in the business delegation that followed the Crown Prince Couple to Canada recently. A virtual 3D tour of the planned life sciences building was one of the things they got to see. 

Status funding of convergence environments:
International evaluation of project sketches

An international expert panel is evaluating the 31 project sketches that UiO:Life Science has received from those who want to apply for funding to establish convergence environments. When the expert panel has finished the evaluation within December 15th the call for a full project proposal will be out. The application deadline will be March 1st next year. Convergence environments are interdisciplinary research groups that will solve grand challenges related to health and environment.

A New Centre for Excellence in Education at UiO

Centre for Computing in Science Education (CCSE) is a new Centre for Excellence in Education (SFU) at the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics. The centre wants to prepare the students more effectively for the contemporary interdisciplinary workplace. From the autumn of 2017 also biology students will learn programming.

The head of the centre, Professor Anders Malthe-S?renssen, is a member of the advisory management team of UiO:Life Science. At the Oslo Life Science Conference in February 2016 he talked about ?Computing and Innovative Education?.

22.5 million for UiO from the Norwegian Cancer Society

Three of the Faculty of Medicine’s research communities and a research community at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, have received funding amounting to millions of Norwegian kroner from the Norwegian Cancer Society. A total of 11 research communities from Oslo University Hospital and Akershus University Hospital affiliated to the research at UiO have also received funding.

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November 24th: Student innovation in the battle against antibiotic resistance (in Norwegian)

The students from UiO that participated in the international competition in synthetic biology – iGEM – in Boston in the end of October, received a gold medal for their work. They have combined traditional molecular biology with app design, 3D printing and innovative thinking to detect antibiotic resistance in a simple way in order to avoid overuse and thereby help reduce the spreading of the resistance genes. The team present their work at the Science Library November 24th at 4.15 PM.

Life Science Lunch on Cancer and stem cells – the cells of possibilities?

Did you miss the Life Science Lunch in November on cancer and stem cells?


Oslo Life Science 15th–17th of February 2017 – save the dates!

?This will be the 2nd conference hosted by UiO:Life Science for all of you who are interested in research, education, innovation, business and politics in life sciences. Oslo University Hospital and the Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway (LMI) are co-organizers. Now the City of Oslo has also joined us, and there will be a reception in Oslo City Hall in the evening February 16th.

The program is under preparation and we plan to open the registration form in December.

Building news

The City of Oslo supports the UiO life science initiative

The planned life sciences building at UiO will be the largest building for research, education and innovation in Norway. Ole Petter Ottersen, rector at UiO, and Geir Lippestad, the Vice Mayor for Business Development and Public Ownership, the City of Oslo, have written about the life science initiative in Oslo.

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By Norunn K. Torheim
Published Nov. 23, 2016 12:08 PM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2023 2:46 PM