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Newsletter UiO:Life Science January 2017


Register for the Oslo Life Science Conference
– Building the Life Science City – 15th–17th February 2017

?Illustration Oslo Life Science 2017

The conference for all of you who are interested in research, education, innovation, business and politics in life sciences. The conference consists of three separate days. All events are free and open to all, but online registration is required. You may register for the whole conference or parts of it.

Organizers: UiO:Life Science, Oslo University Hospital, the Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway (LMI) and the City of Oslo. The conference has received support from the Research Council of Norway (BIOTEK 2021).

See the programmes and save the dates for life science lunches

Illustration Life Science Lunch March 2017Remember to save the dates for the life science lunches in the Science Library in March and April. The overarching topic is innovation in life sciences. The programmes are published online.

Funding from UiO:Life Science

Apply for conference or other event support

Academic employees and students at UiO can apply UiO:Life Science for funds for partially financing of events that are in line with the initiative's strategy. The first application deadline is 31st of January 2017.

Status funding of convergence environments:
List of members of the expert panel published online

The members of the expert panel will meet in April to evaluate the full project proposals for convergence environments which will solve grand challenges related to health and the environment. Applicants must send a full project description no later than 1st of March 2017.

Other news

Grants from the Olav Thon Foundation to life science researchers at UiO (in Norwegian)

UiO researchers who will receive grantsThe Professors Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, Lars Nilsson, Anders Fjell and Nenad Bogdanovic are granted support from the Olav Thon Foundation for their Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s research. Professor Anders Malthe-S?renssen, Associate Professor Marianne Fyhn and Professor Bj?rn Jamtveit are granted support for their student active research on interdisciplinary grand challenges.

Merger between NCMM and BiO

Logo NCMMThe merger between Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM) and the Biotechnology Centre of Oslo (BiO) has taken place. The new centre is named NCMM. This is the unit that, in addition to the Department of Chemistry and the School of Pharmacy,
is to move into the planned life science building at UiO.

Visit the Expert Hospital at OUS(in Norwegian)

Illustration Ekspertsykehuset OUHOslo University Hospital has launched the Expert Hospital on web, Facebook and Twitter. There you will meet experts from OUS and gain insight into innovation and research projects at the hospital. OUS is UiO?s most important collaborator within the health research part of life sciences, and many of the researchers at OUS have positions at UiO.

Research news

Tor Erik Rusten and Nadja KathederCancer cells exploit help from neighbours to grow

Researchers UiO and OUS have found that cancer cells grow by stealing energy from their neighbour  cells.
The findings are published in Nature.


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By Norunn K. Torheim
Published Jan. 12, 2017 12:40 PM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2023 2:46 PM