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Newsletter UiO:Life Science May 2017

Research and innovation news

Seven convergence environments will aim to solve challenges related to health and environment

Man-made pollutants, the peculiar immune system of codfish, embryonic development, personalised cancer therapies, human genetic history and new technologies to handle both disease and pollutants. This will be studied in seven new convergence environments that are funded by UiO:Life Science.

You may also read rector's blogs where UiO:Life Science is mentioned (all in Norwegian)

Building news

Rector's blog: Needs to ensure that the life science building is realized 
(in Norwegian)

UiO had hoped to find the planned life science building in the revised national budget. Rector Ole Petter Ottersen is very disappointed that this was not the case. He has expectations that the handling of the budget will secure that the funding is on national budget for 2018.


Apply for funding from UiO:Life Science

Several opportunities for support from UiO:Life Science for academic employees, post docs, PhD students  and Master students at UiO. Application deadline 1st of June.

Inven2's idea prize

Do you have an idea for a new product or a new service? Participate in "Idéprisen" and win 250.000 NOK to develop your idea! Deadline 31st of May.


Nobel event 6th of September
– save the date!

The 6th of September the 2012 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine – stem cell researcher Shinya Yamanaka – visits UiO.


More information about this event, many other events in the autumn 2017 and the Oslo Life Science Conference 2018 in the June newsletter.


Life science lunches this spring

At the life science lunches in March and April researchers from five different faculties at UiO talked about their innovative life science research across disciplines.

Illustrasjon livsvitskap i lunsjen mars 2017The brain with perspectives from biology, physics, informatics, psychology and musicology was central in the March event.

Illustrasjon livsvitskap i lunsjen april 2017Nobel self-eating, the next generation bone graft material and mathematical and computational modeling was on the menu in April.

Events this spring that have received funding from UiO:Life Science

Don't forget tonight's academic after-party on memory (in Norwegian)


The chair of the board becomes rector
– and the director becomes the chair of the board
(in Norwegian)

Director of UiO:Life Science, Finn-Eirik Johansen, follows Svein St?len as dean of research at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences when St?len becomes Rector the 1st of August. Johansen will also follow St?len as chair of the UiO:Life Science board. The director position will be advertised soon.




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By Norunn K. Torheim
Published May 12, 2017 9:49 AM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2023 2:50 PM